52. Making Love to Him

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Before Liam left port with the Rebellion, Harry told him that he wanted one last night with her. I asked Harry if he was sure he didn't want to be alone with her, seeing as the Rebellion had been his home for years. But he wanted me with him, so I went. And although he wanted us to have the whole ship to ourselves, Liam and Zayn insisted on guarding the ship since Harry was, after all, the king and he should be protected at all times.

Harry helped me up the ladder, following closely behind. Once we stood on deck, he pulled me to a higher platform. "Do you remember? This is where we first met?"

Laughter burst from my mouth. "You say it as if it I was a willing participant."

"But my darling, it has all turned out well, hasn't it?" Harry reasoned.

"Of course, but I still don't condone kidnapping," I said adamantly. "However, if you hadn't ordered to have me taken from the market, I would likely still be suffering under that intolerable man Hadley called a father." I looked up at Harry. "And Hadley and I wouldn't be friends. And Hadley wouldn't have met Niall." I took a deep breath. "And I wouldn't have found you."

Harry lunged, capturing my mouth in a heated kiss, passion seeping from every pore. I shoved my hands mercilessly into his hair, tugging tightly so as to keep him trapped against my lips. Soon, we pulled away, panting and breathless.

"Shall we go to my quarters?" Harry heaved. I couldn't deny that I wanted him to ravish me, to take me hard where once I was afraid of him doing just that.

"First, answer me this," I said, trying his patience. "What were your thoughts exactly, when you first laid eyes upon me?"

Without hesitation, he said, "You were dangerous."

"What?" I laughed. "How could I possibly pose any danger to you?"

"You were dangerous to my heart, little bird." My heart fluttered at the well used pet name. "Until you, all women had one purpose only. I never asked for love. I never sought affection. I simply wanted sexual pleasure. But you," He said, pausing to catch his breath. "The very first moment I looked in your eyes, I knew I'd fall in love with you." My heart raced faster. "Perhaps that was why I was so harsh with you. I was fighting against what my heart already knew. I wanted to prove to myself that I didn't need something as trivial as love. I would have my way with you and then get rid of you when your novelty had worn off."

His bluntness struck my heart like an arrow. He could see it on my face.

"But darling, I would surely have died of a broken heart if I had continued in my stubbornness. You know that, don't you?"

"Yes," I said, nodding while I blinked away my tears.

"By the time you threw yourself overboard, I knew I'd never be able to let you go. Now, then, let's have no more talk of the past. Our future is bright and our bed is waiting."

"So it is," I agreed. And then, in a spontaneous show of playful rebellion - all in good fun, of course - I took off running and shouted behind me, "You'll have to catch me first, Captain Styles." I raced down the stairs from the upper deck and sprinted across the main deck, my dress curled up in my hands. I could hear Harry's heavy feet hitting the planks close behind me. Perhaps he expected me to run to his cabin, but I dodged left at the last moment and took the stairs to the lower deck, half laughing, half panicking at the thrill of being chased. However, I rushed down the wrong hallway and came upon a dead end. I whipped around, awaiting my certain capture, still panting in laughter.

Harry's face was full of frolic as he grabbed me by the waist. I screeched as he hoisted me over his shoulder and carried me back to his quarters.

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