28. United with Him

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My physical injuries healed quickly, but the memories of Madera continued to fuel my nightmares. Harry gave full charge of the ship to his four loyal comrades while he attended to me night and day. He held me when I had those awful dreams, he tended to my wounds, and he told me over and over again that he loved me, which was the best medicine of all. 

I was visited by Hadley, Abigail and Louis, who were all beside themselves with worry. The relief in our hearts was mutual when we all laid eyes on each other again.   

I spoke to Harry about Victor to make sure that Harry knew he was kind to me. Harry then told me that it was Victor who shouted outside the door that Madera was wanted on deck. I was shocked because Victor was normally so soft-spoken. Then he ran to tell Harry that I was on board and being held captive by that evil man. Harry, in turn, made Victor one of his first officers. 

When Victor came to visit me, I was overwhelmed with gratitude for his heroism. 

"Thank you so much, Victor," I said, holding both of his hands as he sat on the edge of my bed. "If it weren't for you, Madera would likely have killed me."

"I know," he nodded. "I guess I fin'ly made up my mind I wasn't gonna let that happen."

He hugged me tightly before he left. It was then that I realized that being kidnapped by Harry was the best thing that had ever happened to me.

My quickly returning health gave new freedom to my desires for Harry. He had resisted a few times, saying he didn't want to hurt me, but today, his response was different. Before he was awake, I got out of bed to change into fresh clothes. But then I thought better of it and stripped naked. I brushed my hair, pinched my cheeks, and climbed back into bed, pressing my bare chest against his torso. Slowly, I nuzzled into his neck and kissed lightly. I moved up to his ear and whispered, "Harry, wake up." His eyes fluttered, but he didn't open them yet. As my mouth returned to his jaw and then his neck, I felt the heartbeat under his skin moving faster.

It was when I slid my hand into his drawers and rubbed firmly against his awakening manhood that his eyes popped open. He grinned widely. "Good morning, Little Bird." 

I smiled coyly and replied, "Good morning, Captain," increasing the pressure on his fully erect cock.

"Feeling better, I see," he said, still grinning.


That was all he needed to return my kisses, fully capturing me with his mouth. I whimpered in delight as lightning bolts traveled through my body and ignited my womanhood. He was an expert at kissing, I was sure of it. I'd never kissed anyone but him, but I couldn't imagine anything more delicious. Our mouths slid against each other's, slowly, longingly for a long time, and then he became a bit more aggressive, reaching to my back side and pulling me flush against his prominent erection. 

The anticipation was too much; it had been too long. "Harry," I panted. "I need you." 

He let go of me just enough to slip off his undergarment, and then, instead of bringing his body over mine, he laid back flat on his back. He gently tugged at me, guiding one leg across his hips until I was sitting on him with his cock pressed up against me in the most enticing way. He slipped his hand between, stroking his fingers along my folds and then teasing me by pushing them inside and pulling them out, leaving me breathless and impatient. 

We both knew I didn't need any more preparation. I closed my eyes and begged. "Please."

He didn't give in just yet, however. A mournful look crossed his face as he hesitantly asked, "Tell me that he wasn't here," referring to Madera. 

"No," I smiled with relief that he hadn't gotten to me. "He tried, but I fought him. And I-" I laughed with pride, telling him, "I hit him squarely between the legs when he tried; so hard that perhaps I rendered him sterile."

Harry burst out laughing. "You are something else," he said.

I could feel his entire body vibrating underneath me, which reminded me that we were headed towards more pleasurable things. But I had to appreciate his face when he laughed. He appeared as a young and happy boy when he laughed so freely. I'd never quite seen this side of him before, and I found that it only intensified my feelings for him.

After we'd finished laughing, we returned to our original intention. Harry reached alongside the bed and brought up a small vial. I watched as he opened it, his cock still throbbing against my aching body. He poured some kind of oil onto his fingertips and brought them to me, thrusting them deep inside me. My head fell back while I sighed deeply. 

"So you don't become with child," he explained softly.

I looked back at him and nodded eagerly, painfully anxious for him to be inside of me. 

He grasped my hips and lifted me so I was above him. We'd never done it this way, but I knew Harry didn't want to hurt me by putting his weight on me. As soon as he was positioned beneath me, he gently pulled my hips down, stretching me over him in such a gratifying way.

A broken moan fell from his lips as he pressed my hips firmly down against him. I responded with a sobbing sigh, the feeling of him so deep inside me still foreign. We stayed still panting for a moment, looking at each other, feeling as if we were the only two people in the world, and this is what we were made to do.

He pushed his hips up against me, resulting in a rich enjoyment that I hadn't experienced before. "Oh," I gasped. He moved down and then pushed up again, overwhelming me with pleasure. I whimpered his name over and over as he repeated the action, invading my body with all of himself. I ran my hands up and down his abdomen, slowly, eventually settling them in place on his chest to steady myself as he pulsed up and down beneath me. 

He gradually relaxed his motion. "Like this," he said, guiding my hips up and down so I was in control of our movements. I found it incredibly powerful to control the rhythm, which I kept at a rolling pace like the waves of the ocean. We alternated, him pushing up to meet me, and me pushing down on him,  and sometimes moving at the same time, letting the moans tumble from our mouths in unison.

"Harry," I cried with the increasing intensity. "It feels so good." It was building inside me, that bursting pleasure in which our sexual relations always culminated. My breathing became more rapid and shallow cries repeatedly left my mouth. 

Harry suddenly sat up and wrapped his arms around me. I clung to his shoulders as he moved fiercely in and out of my body and I moved myself in unison with him. Every inch of his cock created an internal bliss as he plunged into me again and again. "Come on, love," he said, gritting his teeth. "Let yourself go." He nipped at my shoulder, letting out small grunts while he hit the most sensitive spot inside of me over and over again. 

Finally, I couldn't take it anymore. I was so ready, as was he. I cried out loudly and then continued to moan with the surging pleasure that shot through every inch of my body. Harry met me in paradise, allowing small rushing whimpers through his lips as we enjoyed our mutual climax.

Slowly, gradually, we stopped moving and I finally slumped against Harry's chest, still breathing heavily. 

I felt him kiss the top of my head. "I love you, Wren," he said quietly.

"I love you, too, Harry."


That's not the end of the smut, fyi. I was just tired and wanted to get another few chapters out tonight. So there will be more. Enjoy the new chapters!

love you all

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