7. Allowing Him

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As near as I could tell, Captain Styles stayed by my bed for the rest of that critical night. For the following day or two as I recovered, Abigail kept me company. She brought me food and told me stories that her father had told her about far away places and people. I was growing so fond of her that if and when the time came to leave the ship, I was going to miss her most of all.

Once I was finally back on my feet, I noticed that the captain looked pretty run-down. I asked Abigail what had been happening while I was sick. I thought maybe they had encountered exceptionally rough weather and I'd slept through it. Or perhaps they had even attacked another ship and he was showing the signs of weariness after battle. Although it seemed unlikely that I would have slept through such a thing, I wasn't sure why else he would be so weary.

Late that evening, he returned to the quarters with a deep sigh of exhaustion. He took off his boots and went to warm himself by the fire once again. I was already in bed, but not asleep. I stayed warm under the blanket for a bit, just watching him in his fatigued state. Then I thought that it might be good for me to go to him. I got out of the bed and dragged the wool blanket with me, still trying to banish the chill from the day. I walked silently to where the captain stood. I draped the blanket over his shoulders. "To you help you warm up," I said.

He stood stiffly, as if he had no idea how to respond to a simple act of kindness. I started to shiver without the warm blanket over my shoulders, so I turned to retrieve the other one. The captain stopped me by putting his hand on my shoulder and pulling me gently back to his side. He took one end of the blanket and wrapped it over my shoulder and he pulled it closed around us, leaving just a small opening at the bottom for the fire to warm our feet.

We stood shoulder to shoulder, watching the crackling fire, not saying anything. But somehow I felt more comfortable with him than I had so far. I was surprised to feel his arm moving up and wrapping around my shoulder and we stood together like that for a long while. 

Then he turned me carefully towards him, tipped my chin up just enough to meet his lips. What was this? The captain kissing me tenderly? He pressed his mouth hungrily against mine, but not forcefully. It was like he needed it the way a baby needs to be fed. He slipped his hands across my cheeks and into my hair as he moved his tongue carefully against mine, causing a surge of excitement throughout my body.

I was surprised by my own actions, so willingly staying in the captain's embrace. But I was indebted to him for his rescuing me and for his tender care after I had become sick. And I had missed his closeness somehow. It made no sense, but I didn't care at the moment. I was so overwhelmed by his effect on me. The feeling of his mouth working against mine, but at the same time working with mine so that we seemed to be doing an intricate dance. I was aware of so many new sensations with every shift of his lips. How could I have never known that a kiss could feel this good?

He slowly pulled us towards his bed, but I held back. "No, I can't," I protested.

"I won't hurt you," he said. "I just want to sit down." He took a seat on the edge of the bed, wrapping the blanket around me. He used it to pull me closer to him. He spread his legs enough for me to stand between them. I hesitated again, but he insisted gently so I took a step closer until my knees bumped the bed frame.

He seemed so different, so gentle, slipping his arms around my waist, staring up at me with those intense eyes. I was close enough to feel his arousal and while it still made me uneasy, I no longer wanted to pull away. Instead, I found a bit of courage to lean down and capture his lips this time. His surprise was obvious, but he didn't resist at all, eagerly responding with his waiting kiss.

I tried to imitate the way he'd kissed me, moving my mouth, pressing my tongue lightly against his partially opened lips. The result was a groan that pulsed against my lips, which in turned sent a warmth flooding through my body and especially to my lower regions. I'd never felt such a strong sensation between my legs and while it was unusual, it was pleasant.

He pressed into my mouth more urgently while his hands moved to my lower back, which he used to bring my hips against his. With my womanhood pressed so tightly against him, there was no mistaking the sudden awakening of a desire I'd never experienced before. Nothing of the little knowledge I had about sex ever made me understand why women agreed to it.

Until now.

I was still apprehensive about such activities, but my curiosity and desire overwhelmed my fear. I gasped at the rise of pleasure in my body and Harry laughed lightly into the kiss. Then he spoke in a low voice, "Feels good, doesn't it?"

I gave a slight nod, unsure whether I should admit it.

"It's supposed to feel that way," he whispered. He moved his mouth to my cheek, kissing it and then moving to my jaw and then my neck. I remembered when he had done this when I first met him, telling me he would wait until I was weakened with desire before he took me. I had been so sure he would never succeed, but now I couldn't understand why it felt so heavenly to have him touch me in all these new and exciting ways. I let out a small whine, which caused the captain to laugh a little more.

Out of nowhere, I was consumed with regret and I pushed away with tears pooling in my eyes. "Captain Styles, please," I trembled. "Please stop," I whimpered, my body burning with the desire for him to do anything but stop.

"Why?" He asked. "I know you like it."

"But it's so wrong," I cried in desperation, angry with myself for being tempted so easily.

"There's nothing wrong with using everything God gave you," he whispered seductively. "Why do you think he made it feel so good?" I was floored. Astonished, really. It never occurred to me that it was actually supposed to feel good. I gave him a very confused look. He leaned in, letting his lips brush my ear. "Think about it - if it didn't feel good, then no one would ever want to do it. But I know you want it."

"I don't know what I want," I murmured.

"I do," he replied, then quickly caught my mouth in another thrilling kiss. He was breaking down my will so easily with the scent of his skin pressed against me, the taste of his tongue, the feel of his manhood strategically pushed against me.

Before I had time to protest, he moved back on the bed and pulled me towards him, guiding me so I was facing him, sitting with my legs spread over his lap. While I was mildly embarrassed about the indecency of my position, I knew that captain was anything but embarrassed. I was trembling, both from fear and desire, but he knew exactly how to calm me. He enclosed me in a warm embrace before he resumed his intense kisses. Once I was fully immersed in them, he pulled my hips forward, pressing me tightly against his groin. At first, words failed me when I experienced the pleasure of his hardness between my legs. I gasped again, this time, more loudly, unable to completely express how good it felt.

He began to move my hips back and forth as he continued to kiss me deeply. Waves of excitement drowned out any hesitation I still had. "What are you doing?" I gasped. "I don't understand how this feels so good."

His breathing was heavy as he answered, "You've been missing out then, haven't you?"

"Yehhh..." I began as my hips came into contact with his again, the sensation robbing me of any ability to speak.

He rocked us back and forth, alternating between kissing me on the mouth and nipping at the skin of my neck and chest. The feelings became so intense and I think he knew I couldn't handle much more. Part of me wanted to touch him again the way I had done the night before I jumped off the ship. But he stopped our activity somewhat abruptly.

"Sleep next to me," he said, and it sounded like a bit more of a harsh command in contrast to his gentleness a few moments earlier.

My brain was a jumbled mess of confusion and desire, so I mindlessly nodded yes. He pulled the cover back and I climbed in and laid down, feeling exhausted all of a sudden. He laid down next to me and tightened the blankets around us. Then he pulled me close to his body; I wasn't sure whether it was because he didn't want me to run away again, or if he just wanted to be close to me.

In any case, I felt much oddly safe in the arms of a man who had kidnapped me.

"Thank you for taking care of me while I was sick," I whispered.

He didn't answer, but he kissed my forehead. Then we let the motion of the ship rock us to sleep.

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