30. Together with Him

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As much as Harry and I both enjoyed our sensual reunion, he had to get back to the helm of his ship. He forced me to stay in bed for another few days, although I'd more than proven during our magnificent sex marathon that my strength had returned.

Eventually, I demanded that he allow me to get up and go out and about. Without a doubt, I was not his prisoner anymore, and I knew I'd eventually go crazy if I was confined to his quarters endlessly. He finally gave me free reign on the ship, as long as I didn't get in the way of "official business." 

I was delighted to spend time with Abigail and Hadley once again. I personally thanked Zayn, Liam, Louis and Niall for their heroics involved in my rescue. And of course, I regularly spoke with Victor, commending him repeatedly for his bravery. He seemed to need a bit of encouragement now and again, not believing that anyone thought very highly of him. 

Hadley and Niall had finally consummated their love, and according to her, it was "the most thrilling thing" she's ever experienced. I was glad for them, although it made me wonder what our life would really look like as time passed. I couldn't imagine these men staying out to sea forever, especially now that two of them had found lasting love. Did pirates even get married? I certainly hoped that Harry wouldn't expect me to live on land somewhere while he was out pirating, marauding, and doing who knows what across the world. 

I laughed to myself when I started thinking of Harry as a henpecked husband. I would never do that to him; well, at least I hoped I wouldn't. But I couldn't stop myself from wondering how much Harry had thought about his future. Did he have a specific goal for his life, or was he just planning to sail along forever, just taking it one day at a time?

Not that I really had ambitions for my life. As a servant of Hadley's family, that was all I could ever imagine. The only way I could have ever dreamed of being let go from their service was to have a dashing gentleman come along and pay for my release and take me as his wife, and I'd known all along that was about as likely as seeing Madame Aubigné do a jig with a leprechaun. Perhaps my only other hope was for the Aubignés to take on a male servant with whom I could keep company. 

I laughed at my young naivete as I walked along the deck, feeling the ferocity of the equatorial sun bearing down on me. I was startled by shouting from an upper deck and gasped when I looked up and saw Harry and Zayn, swords drawn, lunging at each other with shouts and growls. My first instinct was to rush up the steps and put a stop to it, but I knew Harry would be furious at me for putting myself in danger. 

I frantically looked around and saw a friendly face. "Niall," I cried out, running to him. "Why are they fighting?" 

He put an arm around my shoulder and laughed. "They're just sparring, darlin'. Nothing to worry about." 

"Oh, okay," I said hesitantly, but the two of them looked so engrossed in the duel, I could have been easily convinced they were after each other's blood. I stood and watched for a long time, mesmerized by their skill. They were unbelievably quick and agile - it gave me some comfort to know that Harry wouldn't be easily defeated in a sword fight. 

Even more, as I watched them, I realized that I wanted Harry to teach me to fight. I certainly wasn't going to sit around in his quarters all day doing nothing. I might as well put myself to good use, and I knew I was strong. I had been very good at wrestling with Peter, the farm hand from a nearby estate who used to come and play when our chores were finished. 

Harry, however, had a different opinion when I broached the subject with him later in his quarters.

"Absolutely not!" He bellowed. "I'd sooner die than let you handle a sword, or any weapon for that matter."

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