Baby Steps{Zuko x Reader}

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Requested by @Bleach-Kayla
Soulmates AU
The eye color of your soulmate is the only color you cannot see until you lock eyes with your soulmate then you can see the color you never knew you couldn't see.

"So... This looks grey to you?" My friend Kira asks as she holds up a grey cup. "Like the last time you asked, yes it's a dark grey." I answer her, quite annoyed with the questions. I couldn't understand why she always asked me these things. "Man. I thought you could see gold now. I mean you definitely stared at that painting the other day with such wonder." I roll my eyes as I take a sip of the tea in my grey. "Kira, when I'm able to see that color you'll definitely be the first to know." I tell her in hopes she'll drop the subject. Ever since she found out I couldn't see the color gold she has done everything in her power to find my soulmate to help me. "Well could you explain to me what blue looks like again? I love your explanation." I softly sigh as I place my cup down. "Fine, but you have to promise that this is the last time you bring this up today." She nods as her agreement to the promise. "Alright. Let's see..." I close my eyes as I try to think of the way I usually describe blue.

"A cool yet calming color. It flows along the sea and through the rivers right down to the water we drink. The color of the sky on bright sunny days, yet it darkens as night falls. There are many shades, but no matter what it keeps you calm. Cold like ice, but will not freeze you as you yearn for its grasp." I explain, but I know it's not that good of an explanation. Yet Kira loves it nonetheless. "Y/n that is an amazing explanation of blue! I can't wait to see it!" She tells me which causes me to smile softly.

"Um.. Excuse me." We look at the server that I hadn't even notice was standing there. "Ah! Sorry!" I say while giving him an apologetic look. He was about to say something, but the owner comes over. "Sorry to tell you lovely ladies, but we are closing soon. Nephew, kindly escort them out." The boy softly sighs, but doesn't argue with his uncle. "Oh and your tea is on the house, but that's only because you two always come here." The owner says with a kind smile before cleaning up our table. As he is doing that the boy escorts us to the door. "Y/n look, his eyes are gold." I roll my eyes before slightly glaring at Kira. "I thought we dropped the whole soulmate and eye color thing." Kira nods, but grabs my face while practically squishing my cheeks. "You could finally see gold!" I jerk my head away from Kira and look at the boy. "I'm so sorry for her." I tell him as I try to push Kira out of the tea shop. "It's fine. It wouldn't be the first time this has happened." He says nonchalantly. I look at him and our eyes meet. Instead of the grey color I expected to see, I saw what I could only guess is gold. I look away from him before a word could be said and quickly drag Kira away from the tea shop.

A month pasts by and I have been avoiding the shop ever since that day. I found out exactly who that boy was after that day. Former Prince Zuko of the Fire Nation. Of course Kira still went, but never knew why I didn't join her since I never told her who Zuko or Iroh is. She loves the shop, but despises the Fire Nation especially since she and I are secret earthbenders.

"Y/n?" I'm snapped out of my thoughts as I hear my name. I lock eyes with those gold eyes that I haven't seen in a month, but I've been craving to see. "Zuko..." I look away from him and try to hurry home, but I'm brought to a stop. "Y/n please. I know you probably don't want to be my soulmate, but you have to at least tell me why." I look at Zuko and sigh softly. "It's not that I want to, but you're a firebender and I'm a earthbender. You're a prince and I'm just some person. It'll never work. You-" Zuko cuts me off by kissing me. I am too shocked to do anything. He quickly pulls away as his face gets red. "Sorry, I just felt the need to do that." I sigh softly as I look away from him. "Let's take baby steps. I get that we are soulmates, but we need to get to know each other before jumping into this whole soulmates thing." I tell him before looking at him. He nods as he pulls me into a hug. "How about you come by the shop and get some tea?" I laugh at his attempt at asking me out.

A few years go by and Zuko has become the lord of the Fire Nation. It was interesting being his wife and ruler of the Fire Nation. I never realized how difficult it is ruling over a nation. I think I had more trouble than Zuko when he became lord. He at least knew what he was getting himself into, I did not. Luckily he has always been by my side whenever I needed him. I'm glad to have him as a soulmate. Surprisingly enough Kira actually is the soulmate to my advisor. Those two are cute together, but they never would've believed this years ago.

"Honey are you taking it easy?" I roll my eyes as I look at Zuko. "I'm only two weeks pregnant. You'll need to worry about that later when I'm two or so months pregnant." I still couldn't believe I would be a mother in a few months, but that's just fate for you. "Even so, you should be careful." He pouts as he pulls me into a hug. "I can't wait to meet our little bender." I shake my head as I smile. "Even if they aren't a bender you'll still love them." I state though Zuko isn't paying much attention. I know his mind is racing. I gently place a hand on his cheek. "Everything will be okay. You've got to take baby steps." He smiles at me as he places his hand on top of mine. "I know." Nothing more needed to be said between us. We took our baby steps to get here even if that took some time. Sometimes taking things slow is the best option. You never know.

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