Chapter 4 - A Walk

Start from the beginning

The other thing he noticed was the table laid out nicely in the centre. He wanted to kick himself in the head - the dominant was back early and had definitely planned to spend an evening with him. He should have just informed Harry! The man would have been worried to not find him when he came back.

"Are you not pleased to see me, Louis?" His voice was so distant and cold... and he didn't call him Pet, it hurt.


"I have been waiting for quite a while, one may even say two hours. I was a bit disappointed and a lot worried when I received a call from security to let me know that you went out from the back exit. I decided not to call you at first since I was on my way back from the airport, thought you will be back within half an hour, I would remind you to call me next time and follow your rules, maybe a small punishment like taking away a privilege, say your laptop, and then we could have a nice evening. I cooked us a meal, wanted to have a fine Champaign a friend of mine gifted me in New York. You had been such a good boy ever since signing the contract. I wanted to show you how happy I was... but, you didn't come back even after an hour, making me worry so damn much. One of the security guys informed me that you were simply wandering in the park. You couldn't even attend a single one of my phone calls. A single call, Louis! I was scared! You were out in the dark, even if I had made sure that you were protected I was worried something might happen. Explain why you didn't attend my calls. And you better have a damn. Good. Reason."

"I... I didn't hear my phone r-ring. I was going to be back soon. I swear! I l-lost track of time. I am sorry, Sir," he rushed out a stuttered response, scared of the calm tone masking the thunder in his dominant's tone. He heard the anger in his voice, could see his dark eyes and stone-cold face. He gulped when the dominant breathed in a deeply, obviously trying to suppress and control his anger.

"I am angry, Louis, but more than that I am disappointed. Do you have to say anything before I start your punishment?"

"I am sorry, Sir," he repeated himself with his head bowed down, vision blurring with tears.

"I know you are, Pet." He looked up when he heard the words spoken in a much softer tone. The man approached him and cupped his cheek, wiping away the tear. "I do have to punish you, though, so that there isn't a repeat of this."

"Will it hurt?" He asked in a small voice.

"Oh, no, Pet. I will never hurt you, only discipline you. The punishment will not be physical this time because I am yet to start your training and I don't want your first time in the playroom to be for punishment, okay?"

"Okay," he nodded and stepped closer, trying to make the dominant hug him, he needed it. But Harry stepped away.

"Now go to your room and think about what you have done. How you made me worry and how unsafe it was to go out without knowing what could happen."

"For h-how long I have to stay there?"

"Until I come to take you for dinner. You made me wait, Pet, now I am going to eat on my own. We won't be having dinner together. Go to your room," Harry ordered, back to his cold features.

Louis contained his tears, he himself ruined a perfect evening. As he sat on the bed of his room, he realised how much he craved to be in his dominant's arms, it felt torturous to be away from him knowing that he had disappointed him. It was unbelievable how only a short while ago he would have protested upon being punished, but that was not his main concern now.

He curled himself in foetal position, letting the tears out on the pillow. It sucked to be laying on a bed which was not theirs. Harry had given him this room for various purposes- if he wanted to have some alone time, or to study when he had decided... or for isolation punishment. He didn't know that the punishment would be the first thing he would be using it for.

His Bad Boy (L.S. BDSM AU)Where stories live. Discover now