Chapter 41

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(A/N: Are y'all ready for this?? Last chapter!!) 😭

~ Anna's POV ~

-- Fast forward 5 years later --

"Daniel!" I yell across the apartment.

"What?" He yelled back.

I was in our room while he was in our living room. Man, I love saying that.

We both moved in together a couple of weeks ago when I turned 20. He said he wanted to start a new chapter.

"Yes?" He says, walking into the room.

"Come lay down with me."

"Why?" He asks.

"Because I want you to."

He comes and sits next to me on bed.

He gently strokes his hand through my hair.

"I wish I could. But you know that I have to plan for the tour."

"I know. Just for five minutes?" I ask with puppy dog eyes.

He rolls his eyes playfully. "Just five minutes."

He lays down next to me and gets under the covers.

"How's the planning going?" I ask.

"Eh, it's going good I guess. It's just so stressful." He says.

"Turn around." I say, so that he's facing away from me.

He does as he's told and turns around. I start to massage him softly.

"I just want to make everyone happy with where I go." He says.

"I know you do. Your fans will be happy no matter what. I promise."

"Thank you." He says.

"Make sure you go to Texas," I say. "They love you there, that's for sure."

"I will." He chuckles.

He turns around to face me.

"Thank you for being supportive." He says.

"Always." I say softly.

He sits up and says, "I guess I better get back to it."

I sigh and say, "I guess."

"And you, my angel, need to study for your exam on Thursday."

"I don't wanna." I say. I've been attending a university close to mine and Daniel's apartment.

"But you have to. You can't be failing your exams. You tell me not to let you slack."

I roll my eyes.

"I guess."

He goes into the living room and I start to study for my exam.

I listen to Pandora, and Shawn Mendes comes on.

Memories start to rush back.

The time he took me to a Shawn concert my Junior year of high school was the best. He said he would take me, and he did.

There were no more worries.

I didn't have to worry about Jake or anyone coming after me anymore.

Since Jake is in jail, my life has been going really well. I got through my depression state with the help of Daniel and some therapy.

Now I'm in college to become a psychiatrist to help people who struggle with depression.

Give me your hand (A Daniel Skye fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now