Chapter 35

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~ Daniel's POV ~

-- 1 week later --

Anna won't come out of her house ever since the incident.

She just won't budge.

Every time I go over, she's always laying in her bed. The TV is on, but she won't even watch it. She'll just stare into space. We make small talk, but she's just not herself now.

I've been going to the studio everyday from 12-7 for the past week. I visit her every morning and every evening. She's always in the same spot when I see her, although sometimes her hair is wet. Which means that she's still taking care of herself.

It's currently 7:15 and Aton dropped me off at her house.

I go up to her door and knock.

Jonah opens the door and lets me in.

"She's in her room. Like always." He says.

"Yea. Thanks." Is all I say.

I go up the stairs and softly knock on her door and let myself in.

She's asleep, so I slowly walk up to her bed, take my shoes off and lay next to her.

I look at her small, beautiful face. She looks so calm when she's asleep. Like her worries are all washed away. When she's awake, she looks so hopeless, and it worries me. It worries me, because that's not who she is. She's a strong, and outgoing person, but she hasn't been that lately.

I wrap my arm around her, and bring her into my chest. I lightly kiss her forehead and close my eyes, hoping to fall asleep.


~ Anna's POV ~

I woke up from what seems to be one of the longest naps of my life. Which is good, because it makes me forget a lot of things.

I look up and see Daniel sleeping next to me. I check my phone to see the time, only to see another text from the unknown number. I start to tear up.

I just want it all to stop already.

I swallow the lump in my throat and click on it.

Hello, Anna. Staying in bed all day, and not eating anything is bad for your health. You have to get out more, or you won't have anymore strength. - J

I've been receiving 2-3 texts everyday ever since that day of the incident. I haven't responded or told anyone.

I'm starting to think that there's a camera somewhere in my room for them to know all this stuff. How else would they know that I haven't been eating, or that I've been in bed all this time?

I start to tear up again, and sniffle a little, which made Daniel wake up.

I make myself stop crying and look at him.

"What's wrong, baby?" He asks sweetly.

"Allergies." I lie.

"Do you want medicine?"

I shake my head.

"Ok then." He says.

We sit in silence for a while until he talks again.

"Are you hungry?" He asks.

I shake my head again.

"Are you sure? I could order a pizza or something."

Give me your hand (A Daniel Skye fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ