“Um, what did you say?” Alexi smirked. “Come on, tell us!”

“I…I…I ate her out okay?! Shit, I just missed tasting her. I gave in.” This quiet brute of a man always surprises me.

“Ha, that’s understandable. Our woman is just that tempting. I must say that I’m quite jealous…”

We all started to laugh, something we haven’t did in a while…

Lisa’s P.O.V.

“Babe, we’re so happy that we found you.” Jacob said softly.

“Me too. You have no idea so long I’ve been hoping and praying to a God, that I thought had forsaken me, to give me a mate. And now it’s amazing because I have two!” We were laying on a day bed. I was in the middle and laying my head on Jacob’s chest while Lance spooned me.

“Well now you have us baby and we are NEVER letting you go!” Lance reached over and tickled my stomach.

“Ow!” I jumped off of the bed and ran to the nearest mirror to caress my stomach. Shit, it’s still there. I saw the boys walking towards me so I hurriedly put my shirt down and faced them.

“Are you alright, Lisa?” Jacob slowly made his way over as Lance shut the door to the room we are occupying.

“Yeah, I’m fine. It’s…it’s nothing.” I stammered. The quicker I stir them away from this situation, the better it would be for me, them, and this wonderful pack.”

“No you are not fine, let us see.” They both crossed their arms and were in a stance that told me they were not gonna let it slide. With my eyes watching the floor, I slowly lifted the loose t shirt up to the underside of my bra. I slowly inhaled and exhaled as I waited for their reaction.

“What the fuck happened, Lisa?” If it was any other time, I would have laughed at the way they say the same thing, but this isn’t a laughing matter. “Lisa, does this have anything to do with your father? If you don’t tell us why you have burn marks and cuts on your stomach, I am going to rip him a new asshole!”

“Okay, okay. The truth is…my mom has been lying to this pack. But I couldn’t stop her! The last time I tried, well…” I motioned to my stomach, “this happened.” I grabbed their hands and walked them back to the day bed. I needed to sit down while I tell this story because otherwise, I would have fallen.

“My father and Alpha never cheated on my mother. He never attacked us, well at least, not my mother. They are the sickest people I have ever been around. My father is a cruel man. Ever since I was I believe five years old, this would begin. For some reason, they kept me in a crib in their room, next to their bed. I would try to roll over and cover my head with a blanket when I started to hear them moan. One night, I remember so vividly that it still takes a toll on me. While they were having intercourse, they both dragged me on the bed and touched me. I tried pulling away and calling for help…but dad just knocked me out.

“I don’t know what happened later on that night, but I do know the next morning when my nanny came in to take me to the bathroom, she started crying. My parents were having meetings downstairs and didn’t care that I had blood in my crib. I told my nanny that my peepee hurts and she suddenly went in a rage. When my parents came back into the room, she tried attacking them. But everyone knows not to attack an Alpha, right? He slit her neck and laughed in my face. As punishment, I endured the same thing night after night for years on end. Father is such an evil man! Later on, they would both beat me before sexually harassing me. And no one would help me. Honestly, I don’t blame them.

“All I know is that my grandfather had some ties with this pack and something went awry. Before he died, dad promised that he would seek revenge. That’s why mom and I are here. She’s supposed to get information on the pack while…while Father kidnapped someone. He said that by taking her, he’ll get inside the pack and get what he wants. I’m sorry! I should’ve told you but they warned me that if I murmured anything to anyone…he would punish me. My stomach? It’s nothing compared to what he’ll do.

“Now that I’ve already told you, can I please stay with you? I know that if I go back, he’ll do worse..much worse.” I didn’t know that I was crying until I felt thumb pads gently wipe my tears away. The blurriness faded into the faces of my wonderful mates.

“Baby, we will protect you with our lives—“Lance stated.

“—and that’s a promise.” Jacob vowed.

Looking into their eyes, I know that their vow was true. For once in my miserable life, I feel protected. “Thank you. Now, we have to hurry find a way to tell Alpha London where the missing woman is. Like now.”

“We are already ahead of you sweetie!” Lance laughed as we walked to the door. Before they opened it, they stopped and faced me with a serious glint in their eyes. “When we get Miss Mary back, we know that Alpha will kill your father and perhaps your mother. Do you want to be around when that time comes?”

“Absolutely. I want them to know that I am a part of their downfall and for once they’ll be punished.

***I hope you enjoyed this chapter!***

Lisa on the side.

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