Chapter 11

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“I just don’t know what to do anymore. Whenever I’m home, he’s not and vice versa. Mostly the only time we see each other is in the morning when we leave for work and the evening after dinner. I know what you’re thinking, spend the evening with each other. Well we can’t do that either, we have newborn pups who always need our attention. I know he loves me and I him, but we just don’t communicate anymore. What should I do, Miss Kent?”

“Well, when you and John talk, are both of you raising your voices and tuning each other out?” I asked Samantha.

“Uh…yes?” she answered.

“Are either of you on your phones, computer, or watching tv when you try to interact with each other when you aren’t dealing with the children?”


“Well Samantha, it seems to me that you have figured out your problem. Whenever you have time to talk, you both go about it the wrong way. Therefore I have a solution. Step one: hire extra help, not to be nosy, but I know that you both have great income, I know that you can spare I little to have someone watch the children for an hour or two. Once you do that, put away distractions. That means to turn off and put away cellphones, laptops, and the tv. After settling into a calm environment, talk about simple things. This may seem cliché, but talk about the weather or how work went. Take baby steps and I can guarantee you that both you and John will go back to being lovestruck!”

“Thanks Isabella, I really appreciate your help,” Samantha said, standing up getting ready to take her leave.

“No problem. When you come back next week, I hope to hear great things!” I said excitedly.

“I hope so too! Well, I guess I better go nanny searching haha. As a matter of fact, I have a niece who is looking for extra money, I’ll talk to her. Well thanks again and welcome to the pack!” she said giving me a final hug before leaving my office.

Giving a huge sigh, I lock my office door and head into the kitchen, today has been a whirlwind. Although, I did get a huge kick out of it. All of my new clients embraced me and actually opened up to me with no problem and they are so sweet.

As I was thinking about my day, I popped a krispy kreme doughnut in the microwave for about 10 seconds. Ding!

“Mmmm…..I can just smell the fatty goodness,” I whispered to myself.

Carefully taking out the doughnut, I reach in for the bite.

“MMM…thanks for the snack babe!” Alexi said as he took to doughnut out of my hand.

“What the hell dude, I so wanted that!” I shouted. “Shouldn’t you be at the doctor’s office?”

“Now sweetheart,” he purrs as he makes his way to me and encasing me between him and the countertop. “I don’t ever want to hear filthy language coming out of your beautiful mouth. If I hear you using that language again, I will put your mouth to very good use.” He whispered in my ear while gently stroking my side.

Lost in this sensual daze, I couldn’t function to say yes or no.

“Do you understand baby?” He asked as he started to suck on my sensitive earlobe.

“Uh….yes?” I struggled to say.

“Good girl,” he chuckled. “And to answer your question, if you haven’t noticed, I should tell you that it’s 5:30 and the office closed about an half an hour ago.”

“Oh ok, so what are y’all doing tonight?”

“Well we talked today, and we decided that we should take you out on single dinner date, starting tonight. Tonight it will be you and Jolvien, tomorrow it will be me and you, next is you and Dmitrius, and finally you and London. Soooo baby,” he said while looking at his watch, “you need to be getting ready, Jolvien will be coming up to get you around 7. Don’t forget to have fun and remember that I love you….and that ASS!” he shouted as he swatted my butt and ran out of the kitchen.

“I love you too you HORNDOG!” I chuckled as I headed upstairs.

Looking in the mirror, I evaluate myself. I stood there in a pair of dark blue skinny jeans with a dark grey long sleeve shirt with two big holes in each arm and cut out designs on my back. I paired off my outfit with a pair of Seal Grey Bow Lace Heels with a grey beaded necklace and some earrings.

“I don’t think I look that bad,” I mumbled to myself.

Looking over every fat and curve, I can’t see how my mates still want me.

Stop degrading yourself! I hear London shout.

You are BEAUTIFUL, London said softly.

We love you just the way you are, Alexi whispered.

“Don’t you ever change,” Jolvien whispered as he wrapped his arms around me. “I love EVERY piece of you! No matter what, I will always think you’re beautiful.”

Tearing up, I turn and look into his eyes, “I won’t change, I promise.”

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