Chapter 4

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“What’s going on?” turning around, I looked to Dmitrius for answers.

But he didn’t. A deep penetrating growl flowed from his lips. He grabbed me around the waist and placed me in a corner behind him. It was as if he and his brothers were ignoring me, even when I repeated the question. They were too busy having a stare down or more like “glaring” contest. I looked over to Aunt Mary for help and saw that she was getting aggravated at the boys.

“ENOUGH!” Aunt Mary yelled.

Everyone quieted down and looked over at Aunt Mary. Dmitrius grabbed me around the waist and held on as if I was planning on escaping. “Is someone going to start talking and tell what the problem is?” Like the Queen Bee she is, Auntie placed her hands on her hips and strutted into the middle of the room.

A deep voice filled with an intense sexuality and possession responded. “There is no problem. Except that Isabella is MY mate and Dmitrius needs to step down before I knock his fucking head off his shoulders!” I looked around at the others and wondered who could have said that. He must have sensed my guessing because I heard him again. “Over here, baby doll.” I looked up and saw a super tall, well-built man staring me with a flicker in his eye. Just looking at him made me shiver and turned my knees into Jell-o. He was absolutely beautiful. Perfect tan skin, profound and mysterious brown eyes, short and shaggy jet black hair, completed with the perfect amount of stubble on his jawline. His entire presence was drenched in swagger and a commanding presence. So this must be Alpha London I thought to myself. Yes I am darling a voice said in my head. And may I say, you look very sexy. I blushed at that comment. Dmitrius must have noticed that we were communicating because he left the room angry as all get out.

I didn’t know what to do, so I started to follow him. Before I could take a step, a strong warm arm grabbed my waist. I turned around to face him, and it was Alpha London. Oh my, he’s even more beautiful up close. To be honest, I was a little nervous to even look at him. I bowed my head to shy away and he grabbed my chin and brought my lips into a passionate kiss that I felt deep in my soul.

“Um…?” We broke apart and I saw Aunt Mary with her arms crossed and tapping her foot, waiting for an explanation. One of the other two men came forward and pecked me on the cheek. “Hey babe. I’m Alexi.” I looked up and took in his whole physique. He had an Abercrombie and Fitch aura surrounding him. Plus, he had A LOT of confidence. Not so much as London, but it was there. I guarantee that he could have any girl dripping on the spot. Alexi had gorgeous blue eyes and an angular face. He cut his blond hair into buzz cut. I kept traveling down. And that’s when I realized that he wasn’t wearing a shirt. He had strong biceps that made you want him to squeeze the life out of you. Plus, his six pack abs were trimmed to a “t.” I looked further down and saw a deep V going into his loosely fitted jeans. He must have noticed me gazing because he laughed out loud for the longest. I blushed and turned me head in shame, only to be laughed at more. I glared at him and then he said “Don’t worry babe. You can gawk at me all you want. I’m all yours,” adding a wink at the end. Then he turned around and started to give his explanation of what’s going on.

Before he could give it, Dmitrius returned. He looked over at me and saw that London still had his hand around my waist. He was about to lunge at London, but only to be held back by who by process of elimination I would presume to be Jolvien. Jolvien was huge and gorgeous. He reminded me of a hot security guard or a bouncer with a tight-fitting tshirt and hip hugging jeans. He gave me a cute smirk and grabbed Dmitrius and spoke to him in hushed tones.

After he had quieted down, Alexi started again. “I know that this case is extremely rare, but I do believe that Isabella may be all of our mates. Now, before everyone starts going crazy. Just look at the facts. Isabella, when you first met Dmitrius, did you feel something intense and as if you were overheated? And did you feel it strengthen when you came into the house?” I nodded, not knowing what else to do.

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