Chapter 7:Morning gazes

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*Amy's POV*
I was still trying to get use to all the attention i had been getting lately and the exaggerating portion of drama that comes with it. I find it quite odd as I've never been one to stand out or make a scene. I guess its because i don't over do my physical appearance like most girly-freaks.

I have coloured skin with fairly lengthened,wavy, chesnut coloured hair and long eye lashes which accessories my deep black eyes.

******The next morning******

"Amy!...pssst..Amy wake up!" Someone whispered into my ear and i was awaken by the tickle that followed,I opened my eyes to see lots of little eyes gazing down at me. I blinked twice then got up roughly shoving them to the ground. They made a loud amusing squeal as they fell dragging my bed sheet with them. I crawled to the bottom of the bed and looked down at them with a puzzled grin on my face. "Girls what are you doing?..-oh my, what time is it?" I got off the bed and rushed through the room like a blind grass hopper, bumping into everything in my way as i got myself ready."I'm late!,why didn't anyone wake me up??" I mumbled as i put on my shoes. "We tried to te-" One of the girls spoke up but i took my bag,hurried to the door and shut it behind me before she could finish.

I was just about to leave the girl's premises when i remembered-my skate board!!! I rushed back opened the door and took my skate board on top of the shoe rack, then i turned and found the girls still on the floor. "Bye girls!,see you all later,okay!?" They just turned around and stared at me like a bunch of retarded clones!

I skated as fast as i could while trying to put my bag correctly on my back. Then i felt myself bump into 'something' (probably iron). I was ready to make contact with the ground when a pair of firm hands grabbed me by my waist and swung me up. My head was bent down as i tried to catch my breath. His hands still around me, i tried to regain my posture and lift my head up to see who i owed my 'lateness' to. As my eyes made its way up from those strong arms i was dumbstruck, it lasted just for a second before a thought of panic crossed my mind. Jonathan!!! oh man I'm dead! this is so embarrassing.

I roughly pushed him away and crossed my arms avoiding anymore body contact. Then i poked him on his sides," what are you doing standing in people's way?"

He gave me a stare then smiled "Well you should look where you going!" He joked, trying to annoy me in some way. Well lets just say it worked and i had my fist ready to show him.

"Woah!,is that your way of saying thank-you sweet heart?" he said seeming full of himself. I wasn't about to let the opportunity pass so i punched him in the stomach, which by the way seemed like solid rock compare to my weak punch. He just smiled then walked towards me, and whispered to my ear, "Your welcome" as he brushed past.

My eyes were wide, i couldn't believe that jerk. What an ego i thought to my self while getting back onto my skate board, then a sudden thought came to mind. What did he mean by that? So i turned back to ask him but he was gone.

I went to art class where i spent 2 hours working on my project. I also spent that time thinking of Jonathan,our conversation and 'The kiss'. I was too busy drooling over Jonathan that i ended up spilling the paint on to the floor.

I was startled by the screams of the drama queens echoing through the room. I lifted up my brush to seem like i was actually working. It would have worked if i hadn't painted the nose of my art tutor (also a drama queen).

I put my hands on my mouth to hold a giggle from her very humorous tantrum. She was jumping up and down like a five year old that wanted something she didn't get, then she let out a scream at the same frequency with a dog whistle, just before kicking me out harshly!

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