Secrets and Lies

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I was soaking wet from top to bottom and my shoes were feeling kinda icky so I proceeded in removing them and as I did the door slammed open...


Loud panthing could be heared as two figures came into sight going at each other's faces without mercy. The boy was tall and well built with brown curls that were being tugged harshly by the girl as he pushed her slim body into the room whilst sucking out all the colour from her lips not once pausing for air. She moaned into his mouth as he grinded her against the table and I just sat there and watched...not because I wanted to but because I was having a hard time processing what I was seeing.

I felt my heart sink as I recognised the two figures. The tall guy with brown curls was no other than Kyle himself, that was the understandable part but what hit me was the reality that the brunette he had pinned up against him was Judy.

Friends for benefits I thought to my self but the most dicusting part of all this was the fact that they were too engrossed in each other to even acknowledge my present.

“What is going on?" I finally found the courage to speak up. They were startled and immediately pulled apart from each other. Terror clearly visible on their faces.

“Shit Amy!! What is wrong with you!! You nearly gave me a heart attack."  He said in a hush voice though sounding like he was scolding his dog. He ran his hands through his curles roughly and I could tell he was agitated. I gave him an eye roll and diverted my attention towards judy who was putting herself together and I couldn't help but feel disgusted.

"You haven't answered my question and be honest!" The situation had reached level akward but I still found myself looking directly at him again.

“I thought I told you to mind you own business " He threatened and I had to fight the erge to slap him.
"Besides whatever you think you saw I assure you it's nothing" Lies...
"You're crapping me again Kyle.. Stop taking me for a fool and just tell me the truth, is there something going on between you two?" Obviously.. I tried telling myself but I needed to hear it from him for some reason.
“No, we're just friends-" Denial...
“SERIOUSLY!" I shouted surprising myself and the both of them by the looks of it. “look Amy,I-"
He tried to defend himself but was interrupted.
“Give it up Kyle, she would have found out eventually. Isn't it obvious we're a thing now and I'm sorry if you had feelings for him but you had your chance to have him and you blew it" Judy just threw it out there not really sounding the least bit sorry as she said she was. “What is she talking about Kyle, tell me it's all a lie, What would she know, please tell me you don't actually trust her? can't you see she's just using you." I tried desperately to get it trough his thick head but she had taken over.

"oh wow Amy..strong words coming from the player herself! ah!.. And after that fateful day that sealed your fate, do you really think anyone will ever trust you again" No..but how-“How did I know? The answer to that is simple really, who do you think he left you for? " She couldn't have known all of this. “Y-you..b-but why? Is this true Kyle!?" I turned to him and I could feel my voice start to crack as tears threatened to spill.
I looked at him silently hoping he would tell me all this was just a lie. My eyes were begging him but what he said was the exact opposite of what I wanted to hear “Yes, it's her but I didn't want you to find out this way" he sighed as my gaze met his and i could tell that his eyes held regret but he quickly turned his gaze to the ground trying to avoid eye contact.

All my hope shattered to the ground as those words came out of his mouth. How could he, and with her- I thought he knew better. I turned to her to see a big grin plastered across her face and that's when it all came crashing down...
It was all her...She was the reason why... and she was still there throwing daggers at my life...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2017 ⏰

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