Chapter 17: Danger is lurking

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"Hey miss, can I have my food please?" I looked up to see an unhappy pair of emerald green eyes looking down at me. "Uhm..sure just a minute" I got up onto my feet took the spoon and scooped up a big blob of porridge and popped it into a bowl then onto his tray. Satisfied he made his way to one of the empty seat in the centre.

I waited for him to settle down before taking off my apron and sneaking through the back. I almost made it to the door when I heared someone voice out my name. "Amy!" I Froze for a few seconds trying to find the courage to turn around and when I did my eyes met with the pair of brown eyes I was hoping to avoid for today. I thought of my chances of actually getting away if I ran then decided to just give in. I took a deep breath feeling the tension in the air, "Hey!"
"Amy where are you going, I thought you were suppose to help me out till lunch time?".
I turned around and I could see the confused look on Kyle's face.
" Yeess,but I'm taking my break." I answered and I watched as confusion turned into desperation.
"You can't leave me to carry all this weight alone." He started to pout and I just had to stop him before it got to level 'irressistable'.
"Look don't give me that crap, You did just fine before me and I'v been managing things without you, so i guess we're better off not getting in each other's way." I turned around and started to walk away.

"Amy wai- please Don't be like this!" He shouted after me with desperate tone that would normally make me feel pity but I've learned how to resist that erge, so as soon as I got to the door I turned the handle and stepped out. I didn't bother to look back this time.


I kept on walking till my eyes took in the sight of a crowd blocking the entrance to the field area. As i approached them I realised there wasn't anyway I would get to see anything from where I was standing. So I decided to go around the field towards the back at least from there I would get to see something. As I did I spotted two figures a little further from the crowd, one which seemed to be a masculine figure was standing with both hands resting on his head. The other was obviously female, I was able to identify her by her long hair and blue mini skirt which showed of her slim legs, features which matched Julia's appearance and the atire she had on before she stormed out, which could only mean that the male figure standing besides her was no other than Micheal. It seemed to be a very intense conversation they were having and Julia seemed to be dominant. She was waving her hands about and snapping her figures as she rambled. I wasn't hearing any of the conversation between the two from were I was except for some occasional 'Ooooo's' coming from the crowd.

There was no way of getting closer because of the fence surrounding the field. I tried looking around and spotted a gap in the fence behind the shed where the speakers and mike's were placed for the morning assembly. I walked towards it and slowly slipped through while trying to avoid getting my clothes caught in a piece of wire that was sticking out. Once I had my whole body in I dusted my clothes (a habit of mine) and made my way around the shed and cautiously walked closer towards where the commotion was going on. I stepped onto the stage and took big but gentle step across the wooden floors as it creaked under my feet. I came face to face with the podium and decided I would get a better view if I climbed onto it. It took me a little effort to get up there and just as I did I felt a cold drop on my head. I looked up and watched as tinny droplets fell from the sky, it seemed as though it was a passing shower but then it began to rain harder. I turned my attention back to the commotion when I heard an other scream. It was Julia again and this time she was pulling at the hair of some blonde and shouting as she moved about. "Don't you ever come near him again!!" She shouted at the poor blonde causing me to wince as she tugged at her hair even harder. Julia had become uncontrollable even with the rain and no one seemed to be able to control her they all seemed to be in some state of shock that they didn't even seem to notice the rain. "That goes for all of you, You hear me!!" She shouted pointing her finger towards the crowd before finally letting go of the poor girl, everyone backed away as it began raining even harder. I was no longer able to keep my grip anymore so i got down and ran towards the fence. As I tried to slip out quickly I got caught up with the fence. I tried to pull my self out and it ripped threw my clothes, scratching my skin from underneath. I ran to the cafeteria and got in through the kitchen door. I sat myself down on a chair after closing the door behind me.

I was soaking wet from top to bottom and my shoes were feeling kinda icky so I proceeded in removing them and as I did the door slammed open...

Summer  heart breaksTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang