chapter 3:'Mingle mode'

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I don't know why i did it but it had something to do with kyle entering my room, i guess he gave me the mood to mingle. Which hopefully is good. So the point is i got out of my filthy room and walked around the bonfire wishing there was someone sophisticated  who would come over to speak to me-holy***...

Such colourful words were about to escape my mind as i saw kyle making out with some pin-up girl under a tree in a deeper corner of the campus where the bonfire's light didn't reach. That son of a- tooth faced monkey, what a womaniser!!! He was just flirting with me now his off with an other girl, to think i was starting to get the tingles for him.

I don't know for how long have i been watching their tongue wrestling episode, cause before i knew it he was looking my way with a mischievous smirk on his face. Which to me meant danger in other words i should stay away from him before he makes me his next prey. I gave him the disgusted look and moved on towards the football field and  sat down on the bench alone, just me and the poles.

But that moment got ruined as a tall guy with a sturdy voice stood there besides me " I knew you would come around "
"Couldn't get enough of me eh?" I didn't even need to look to tell who's ego that was. Kyle!!! UHF... whats  his problem.

"Oh look who made a come-back from the WWE, against the diva!" i dished out at him trying to relate to the 'not so beautiful' scenery earlier. 

"Oh you saw all that, don't worry she's just a hook-up, and -" i cut him off just like he did to me
"Save it alright, just forget i mentioned anything!" He looked at me confused, I'm sure he was wondering  why the sudden interested in what stupid thing he did, and to be honest I was asking my self the same thing.

Then he smiled and i suddenly forgot our little argument as he changed the subject towards me. "So Amy what do you think of your first time here?"

"To be honest i really don't know, but it just started to get interesting." I sat their besides him gazing into his eyes  as we shared a moment. Our bodies got closer and we both leaned towards each other wanting the same thing, our lips slightly touched before i snapped out of it. "with you i might catch some sort disease" i joked. He just smiled, then we went on talking about how our lives were going about so far.

Then i got up from the bench before things got mushy again and used 'I'm calling it a night' as an excuse. He decided to stay behind and i gladly accepted he's decision and i walked down towards the bonfire, where there were still many people still sitting around in groups.

My head was messed up as i thought of what might had happened if I'd stayed longer with him on that bench. I barely made it half way threw the bonfire and its 'surroundings' before someone called out my name "Hey! Amy, over here come sit with us!" I turned back to see a hyper brunette sitting amongst  a group of boys. Without thinking i started walking towards them feeling a bit  nervous that i started biting my lip till they must have turned red as  they were starting to hurt.

I approached her, "hey" i greeted in a shyly manner. Which i find weird as i am never shy, sure i tend to avoid crowds but that's just so i don't get involved in any drama.

"Your new right?" I nodded distracted, as i looked around.
Jonathan was there sitting amongst the group of boys. He is the jock most of the girls were drooling over today. He had great abs that were not quite visible under his thick jacket but i got a glimpse of them earlier that day. He was a very muscular guy seems to be quite active in sports.

I sat down in between him and an other boy whom which i didn't recognise.

"Okay guys its time for some TRUTH or DARE!!!" My heart nearly dropped as a fair carrot-haired girl name Judy mentioned those words.    

TRUTH or DARE!!!! I was sure to be double-dare-dead! How was i to get out of this one? I knew exactly the solution to my problem so i just stayed there quietly hoping they'll pick someone else.
"How about we let our new member go first." She generously      suggested. "What shall it be truth or dare?" I could have stayed in a 'mode of shock'  if someone hadn't cough signaling me to answer.  I shook my head and blurted out "DARE!" Stupid!, i know it was but there was no way of escaping this so i had to deal with the consequences of my actions. "EH...ehm...i dare you too..." she had me cliff hanging for a moment. "make out with Jonathan for as long as you like!"
WHAT!!! She had to be joking right? -NOT, how the hell was i suppose to pull that off. "Okay..." i said uncertain of my answer. Everybody watched silently as i turned to face Jonathan looking him in the eyes, something bout them distracted me because before i knew it, his arms were around my waste  drawing me closer to him. As our lips met I  felt a tingle reaction to his smooth lips and his romantic tongue gestures. I kissed him back at the same rhythm as he parted my hair with his fingers. At that moment it all felt right but after when we all said our goodbyes and headed to bed i couldn't get the thought of guilt from going threw my mind. I knew that deep inside this was somehow wrong but i couldn't tell why exactly. 

Summer  heart breaksOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora