Chapter 14

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I blink several times. "I'm sorry?"

"I like you."

I crawl out of his arms, and curl up in a ball a few inches away from him.

"Did I do it wrong?" he asks.

"Do what?"

"This entire situation."

"I don't know. I never got passed telling the other person I like them."

"Then why are you freaking out? It's not me, is it?"

"Not exactly."

"Then what?"

I groan. "Surely there's someone else that catches your eye?"

"But I like you. I don't want to like anyone else." He gets a little closer to me.

"Please, just stop."

"I don't understand."

"Look, I'm from the future. That's why everything seems so strange when I explain them to you, or ideas or things are not common here, but are for me, from where I'm from. I know what's supposed to happen within the next year, though not exactly. I know you're supposed to love someone else, and not me! I'm not supposed to be here! I was supposed to go back two or three days from my test! I'm not supposed to be part of this whole deal! I'm going to ruin it!"

I zip down a rope, and run away, but I'm not expecting to totally get away from the Phantom. I just need a little time.

"Megan, wait!"

I continue running, to where? Not sure.

The air turns cold, and the light goes dark. Noises fly by, but I do not pay attention. Arms wrap around me.

They tug me off somewhere, and I don't fight it. Why should I? I'm just going to go back anyway.

A few minutes pass, and I'm put on a soft place. I look around for the first time, and see that I'm back in my room. The space next to me dips, and I see that the Phantom is sitting next to me. He's staring at me.

"Are you going to run off again?" I shake my head. "Okay, good. Next question, from what you were shouting about, you're from the future?" I nod. "How far?"

"Pretty far."

He nods. "You said you knows what happens to me?" I nod. He pauses. "And you said I'm supposed to love someone else?" I nod again. He sighs. "One last question: do you like me?"

I look up to his face, and look at him in his left eye. "I do." I blush madly.

One of his hands takes one of my own, and he squeezes it. "What am I supposed to say now?" he whispers, thinking I can't hear him. "Despite this cheerful mood, do you still want to go practice your sneaking skills?" I nod. "Alright. Come on." He says gently.

We go up to the ladder, and he goes up first. He props the trap door open, looks around, and presumably sees no one. He gets up to the top, and looks down at me.

"It's okay to come up."

With that, I climb up the ladder, and the Phantom helps me onto the stage.


He grunts as a reply. I look around the stage for a few minutes, surveying the setting.

"You said you wanted to practice more, but what would you like to practice?"

"Just stealth in general."

"Let me see you walk then." He points to walk up and down the stage.

He goes off somewhere else, and it's just me on the stage. I look around, and see and hear nothing. Nerves start to rise and crawl all over me. I take a deep breath, and then start walking down the stage.

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