Chapter 31

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Since I ate food in the middle of the night with Erik, I slept in a few more hours than usual. I wake up, totally refreshed, but then looked around.

'How much did I sleep in?'

A door opens and slams. I jump out of bed and walk out to the living room. Something is thrown in my direction, and I duck at the last second. It crashes.

"Why weren't they taking this seriously?!" more items are thrown about.


Items are thrown my way. "They were joking around, so I had to get them back on track!"

"The rehearsals?"


I stay quiet. "We should check up on Christine..."

"Why is she of your concerns?"

"Why was she gone for many months, but have now returned?"

He seems to calm down a bit. "I'm not sure." He looks around the room. "I'm sorry."

"Everyone has anger problems. Now, should we go check up on Christine?"

"Yeah. Go get your cloak, and dress for warmth."

'It's cold. Darn.'

I go back to my room, put on a sweater and some thicker socks, along with my cloak. I go back out to the living room. Something is thrown at me.

"Take that." I look at it. "It's another cloak of mine. You'll need it more than I will."

"You will still have one on you though, yes?"

"I will." He grumbles.

He disappears into his room, and then reappears with his cloak and his fedora. He leads us on a different path that leads to the stables. We get to the stables a few minutes later. He looks around the place and then takes me to a horse, white.

"His name is César." Erik says.

He helps me up onto the horse, and then gets on himself. I hang onto Erik for dear life.

"Never ridden a horse before?" he chuckles.

"Nope." I reply.

Erik spurs César on, and we ride off quickly to the cemetery.


We arrive at the cemetery, snow sprinkled all over us, and singing in the background.

"Are you going to come along?" Erik asks, helping me off.


He nods and ties César to a tree. He pets him before striding off. I pet César too, and he boops me with his snout. I giggle softly and then follow after Erik.

"Too many years fighting back tears. Why can't the past just die? Wishing you were somehow here again, knowing we must say goodbye. Try to forgive. Teach me to live. Give me the strength to try." She picks up in emotion and gets louder. "No more memories, no more silent tears. No more gazing across the wasted years." She gets quiet. "Help me say goodbye."

I see Erik climb up one of the house-like graves, and pulls out a cane at the same time.

'How did I not notice it before?'

"Wandering child, so lost, so helpless, yearning for my guidance." That lines always seems to calm me for some reason.

"Angel or father, friend, or Phantom? Who is it there, staring?"

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