Chapter 16 - Leading to Secrets

Start from the beginning

My eyes bulged. "Cam, if you tell anyone about that I swear I'll-"

"I know, I know. Stab me with a fork," he finished for me. "I don't need a reminder. Hey, here's a tip, stop acting like someone your not," he glared then got up, walking to who knows where. I shut my eyes, disappointed at myself.

Before I knew it, I got up then left the school.


"Do you come here every time you're upset?" another familiar voice chuckled.

"I just hate life right now," I slapped both hands over my face.

"And why's that?" I heard him hop off of the gigantic rock that leads to entrance of the hill.

"I've alive," I sighed.

"OH NO!" he gasped, clearly making me look stupid.

I glared at him as an unspoken insult. "I'm not really... well... who people think I am," I frowned.

"So, you're not a girl?" he backed away a little.

 "I'm exactly that," I muttered.

"Not a girl?!" he stepped away more.

"NO! I'm exactly A GIRL," I slapped his chest with the back of my hand. Idiot.

"I love it when you get annoyed," he chuckled.

"Radley, I'm serious," I groaned.

"I am too. I really do love it when you're all frustrated. Notice how I'm always annoying you?" he smirked. I stared at him with a blank look. "Alright, you're no fun. Why are you irritated that your 'A GIRL'? But I hope you're not a lesbian, because I want to make out with you," he wiggled his eyebrows. Again, idiot.

"You know what, I'm not gonna comment on that last sentence of yours," I shook my head disappointingly. "And because anyone that had ever met me knows that I'm far from lip gloss, pink dresses, and obsessing over a cute guy that just walked pass them in the hallway."

"Oh, explains the dress," he muttered. "So that means you are those type of girls? The 'obsessing over me'?"

"I don't obsess," I scowled.

"Oh, and I don't think 'cute' would fit me. I'm looking for more of a sexy or hot, yeah that'll work," he flattered over himself.

"Why are you so conceited?" I cross my arms over my chest. 

"I'm sorry if you think I'm too sexy for you, but-"

"Dude," I smacked him again. He rubbed his arm making the pain go away. "Can we move from this subject?" 

"So you wanna talk about sex?" he raised an eyebrow. 

"You know I can't even look at you," I pushed his face away. 

"Okay, okay, let's get back to Abby's world. Calling me conceited," he muttered the last part. "So what exactly is wrong with being someone who doesn't play spitballs with guys in the cafeteria?"

"I don't do that anymore... And don't you get it?"

"Get what?" Before I could answer, my phone rang. I stared at him. "Are you gonna get that?"

I sighed knowing who the caller might be. "I'm just gonna go, and if anyone asks... I was never here," I threatened him. He nodded with a serious look that will break any second. I pulled my phone out of the tiny ass pocket in my dress.

"What?" I sighed.

"You ditched!" Ryan screeched on the other line.

"Let me guess, you're in the girl's restroom right now," I smirked.

"You know me so well," he used a sarcastic tone. "Now, where are you?"

"Not at the dance," I muttered.

"Stating the obvious, but I don't want that."

"When I have ever gave you what you wanted?" I raised an eyebrow knowing that he can't see me.

"Abby-" he started with an irritated voice.

"I'll be a home," I sighed then hung up.


I stumbled off of the couch as the doorbell rang. "MOM!" I yelled. No reply. I groaned then walked over to the front door. "What are you doing here for the second time?" I asked.

"I just thought you weren't home, so I had to check," he replied. I rolled my eyes and walked back to the couch letting him close the door once he was in.

"It's 11 p.m., go home Ryan," I yawned.

"I really don't want to be in a house where War World III is about to start," he threw himself next to me on the couch.

"Parents?" I frowned hugging a soft cushion.

"The whole family," he corrected. "They're practically throwing chairs at each other."

"Ugh, what is going on with us? Cam's dad passed away and now your family is a wreck," I sighed.

" 'Us'? You have no worries at all in this house," he rolled his eyes.

"Might I remind you I was forced to go to a stupid -"

"I get it," he cut me off before I can go on about the whole dance thing.

 "Betrayed by my mother," I muttered. 

"I get it," he said more clearly and slowly. 

"You're gonna crash here tonight?" I asked. 

"Can I?" 

"Course," I replied then walked to make microwave popcorn while he chose a movie. 

We stayed up until five in the morning watching almost all the scary movies I had on the shelf. Along the way, we got into a popcorn fight that left the room a mess when we woke up. I found myself on the couch wrapped up in Ryan's arms. Ah, damn.

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