Chapter 43

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~ Nico ~

Will stared at him for a few seconds then shook his head, he opened his mouth to say something but then from behind him someone pushed Will, "Move it slowpoke!" The son of Apollo fell on top of Nico and they both crashed to the ground.

Nico hit his head of the ground, Will rolled off him and turned on who ever had pushed him, "Kayley, it's called patience."

Kayley shrugged, then saw Nico, "Hey Nico! Sorry about that!" She crossed the room and sat on her bed, Will glared at her as he helped Nico to his feet, "You apologize to him, but not me?"

Kayley grinned.

Will rolled his eyes and sat down on his bed as Nico turned to leave. He was opening the door when Charlie said, "Nico why don't you stay? We're talking about the Apollo thing, and you have nothing better to do."

"You don't know my schedule."

She smirked, "I do now. Anyway, I know you want to spend time with your lover!"

He rolled his eyes and walked over to sit on Emmys bed. As they waited for the rest of Apollo's children to get there Charlieand Kayley decided to have a competition of who could spin around in circles the longest. Nico was watching them when Will caught his eye, and they had a silent conversation.

Did you tell her? he asked

Will shook his head silently, No. Like I said, it's your call.

Nico nodded.

Will smiled, When?

I don't know... when we're ready, I guess...

Sounds good.

The door opened and the rest of the children of Apollo walked in. They all sat down on bottom bunks, two on each. Nico looked around as everyone was getting settled, He had never realized how many children Apollo had. In total there were about fourteen of them, all different. The only similarity was their smiles, they all smiled. And the smiles were bright.

Beside him Emmy stood up and called for quiet, everyone stopped talking and sat down beside their friends. "Alright." She took a deep breath, "We are going to talk about what's going on with Apollo, but first..." she gestured at Nico, "This is Nico di Angelo, the son of Hades. He's here because..." she turned to Nico, "Wait, why are you here?"

He shrugged, "Charlie."

Charlie smiled from across the room, "His schedule was free."

Anna smiled, "Yeah, so anyway... Let's all introduce ourselves! Who wants to start?"

From the bed to the left of Wills, a boy, about twelve, stood up. He had skin was, what some would call, almond. His eyes were a dark forest green and his hair was, well, purple. Bright purple. He smiled at Nico, then his siblings, "I'm Asher, but can anything as long as you don't call me late for dinner!"

He sat down to polite applause. Then the kid next to Asher stood up, he had a beige complexion, his hair was so blonde it was almost white and his eyes were a peaceful blue.  "Um... Hi. I'm Quintus, call me Quin." He sat down. Nico studied him, he looked, maybe, fifteen.

Next was a guy, maybe sixteen or so, his skin was a warm ivory color. His hair was a dirty blonde, like Will's, and his eye's where a dark mysterious green. He simply raised a hand in greeting, and simply said, "Zain."

Beside him a little boy about seven or eight, he looked exactly like Zain, except younger. He didn't say anything until Zain whispered something in his ear "Lucian." he mumbled. Then sat down on Zain's lap.

Next, identical twins, well Nico assumed they were twins because they looked identical, they both had honey colored skin and black hair that was shaved on one side and covering their ear on the other side. One, the first one named Oran, had his hair flipped to the left, the other, Orna, had her's flipped to the right. The two of them looked about ten or eleven.

Then there was, of course, Kayley, Austin, Emmy, Will, Kayla and Charlie.

"Good." Anna smiled, "Now that's done, let's get started."

sorry this chapter was basically all character intros... lol. but i'm working on the next chapter so have no fear! anyway, if you don't understand Nico and Will haven't told no one that they are dating, so everyone's still trying to get them together, Nico wanted to keep it a secret because he don't want to get pushed away from his new home even though he won't and he's just not thinking... =D

also i know that identical twins can't technically be identical if they are opposite genders but i was like 'screw reality. this is a solangelo fanfic' also they never said that they were actually identical Nico just assumed so, Orna (the girl) is half an inch shorter than her brother and Oran (the guy) has glasses, but wears contacts so they look the same, (btw they enjoy pulling pranks) i mean come on, if you had an almost identical twin of the opposite gender that you could pull pranks with, you'd want to look the same as them so you can make people think that their going crazy, right? duh.

also Quin is gonna be genderfluid! so... ya.

Love ya!

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