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I stroke my boyfriend's hair softly, watching as he lulls to sleep in bed, his painkillers making him drowsy and cranky, which I hate. He lets out a soft yawn, hugging my waist, and I lean down, kissing his forehead a couple of times. I hate seeing him injured, in any way or form. Especially because of his ex.

"You're fucking trouble, you know that?" I whisper quietly, and he nods slowly, rubbing my stomach, his fingers tracing up my shirt, pulling me close to him.

"I know, i'm sorry," He mumbles out, and I shake my head, kissing his bruised cheek softly, his hand softly gripping my waist.

"Don't be, I love you," I whisper back, and he tilts his head up to give me a small kiss before he closes his eyes again.

"I love you, more," He whispers, and I give him a tiny smile, stroking his cheek until he's fast asleep. I gently move out of his grasp, pulling the bedsheets over his body, and I shut the door quietly, going downstairs quickly, and my eyes meet Mike's, a frown on his face.

"How is he?" He asks, and I nod, going into the freezer and grabbing an ice pack. I look at him, tears welling at my eyes. I hate when my baby is hurt.

"No, no, he'll be okay, he's gonna be okay, don't cry," He whispers, and I let out a small sob, wiping my eyes gently on my sweater sleeves. He gives me a hug, and I take a deep breath.

"Y-You're right, i'm just overreacting," I whisper, and he shakes his head again, rubbing my shoulder gently.

"You aren't overreacting, you're worried about him, and that's okay. Go put that ice pack on his nose, i'll be down here," He says, and I nod, giving him another quick hug before jogging back upstairs, opening the door again. I coo at the sight of Vic sleeping, soft little snores escaping his lips, his hair fanned out against the pillow, his hands on his stomach. My angel.

I go over to him quietly, sitting carefully next to him, resting his head on my lap. He lets out a small groan, hugging my waist, and I kiss his forehead, shaking my head.

"Keep your head straight, baby boy," I whisper, and he does, his eyes opening slightly to look at me. I gently press the ice pack to his nose, holding his hand, and he winces loudly, squeezing it.

"Fuck, that hurts, jeez," He whispers, and I squeeze his hand softly, kissing his forehead, holding the ice pack in place with my other hand.

"Shh, shh, I know, it's okay. You'll be all better soon," I murmur, stroking his cheek, letting him kiss my hand softly.

"You're the best boyfriend and nurse in the world, you know that?" He says, and I giggle softly, resting my forehead on his.

"I'm glad you think so, I really try," I murmur, and he gives me a small smile.

"You are, I love you," He says, leaning up and pressing a small kiss to my lips, and I kiss him back, continuing to hold his hand in mine.

"I love you, more, baby. I-" I pause, Mike coming into the room, Vic waving at him sheepishly.

"Are you okay? Is Kellin's kisses helping you heal?" Mike jokes, and I roll my eyes, looking down at Vic, who has a grin on his face.

"Yes, goodness, they are the best kisses in the world, I love them so much. So magical and only mine," He says, and I laugh loudly, kissing him again, letting him gently nip at my lip.

"You're so lucky that I love you," I whisper, and he nods, smiling softly, running his fingers through my hair.

"I am so, so lucky," He whispers, kissing me again, and I kiss his cheek gently, sitting back up and returning the ice pack to his nose. He moves it away, sitting up and pulling me on his lap, his hands grabbing my face to kiss me. Mike groans, leaving the room, the door shutting.

"My troublesome baby, I still can't believe that you actually did that," I whisper, trailing my hands up his waist and his stomach, pulling off his shirt. He pulls off mine, kissing down my neck, smiling. He's so damn protective over me, for no reason, but I absolutely love it.

"I can, no one ever insults my baby boy, not a single person in the world," He whispers, looking up at me, and I smile down at him, his hands moving to my hips, getting me on my knees, kissing down my stomach. I tangle my fingers gently in his hair, and he looks up at me again, the smile and blush never leaving my face.

"My pretty angel, I think my medication makes me horny as hell," He chuckles, and I laugh, his arms wrapping around my waist, kissing my stomach again and again.

"I can tell, baby." I laugh, and he grins up at me, kissing my stomach once more and leaving a tiny little love-bite. He pulls me back down on his waist, my arms wrapping around his neck as I stare at him affectionately.

"This shit hurts like fuck," He groans, and I smile, running my index finger along his jaw.

"I think your medication makes you bipolar, not horny," I laugh, and he rolls his eyes, staring up at me again. Mike comes back in the room, raising an eyebrow.

"You two are done fucking each others' brains out? Alright, good, because it's time for your second dose of medication, Vic," Mike says, and he whines loudly, flopping back down on the bed, holding my waist on his hips.

"Fuck that, i'm going to sleep," He says, tackling me down on the bed, and I shriek, clinging onto him tightly.

"I wasn't going to drop you, relax," He says, a charming smile on his face, my heart melting at his cute little expressions. He's so adorable.

"I love you," I hum, and he kisses my lips softly, Mike sitting on the bed and grabbing Vic's face. I laugh loudly, watching at Vic slaps his hand away, crossing his arms like a child.

"Fuck the medicine, I don't want it!" He whines, and I laugh louder, Mike punching his arm. How I love their relationship. I can't wait to meet their parents.

"Yes the fuck you are, man the fuck up. Sit up and take it," Mike demands, and Vic groans loudly, sitting up, swallowing the pills dry. He lays back down, and I lay comfortably with him, Mike placing a tiny kiss to my cheek, making me smile.

"Hey! Back up!" Vic yells, and I place a hand on his chest.

"You're so cute, I love you," I whisper, and he relaxes, smiling at me and wrapping an arm around me. I kiss his cheek a couple of times, crawling on top of him and resting my head on his chest. How I love the small conversations we have, the kissing and the cuddling. I love it all.

"I love you, too, baby. Mike, get out," He whispers, and Mike laughs, getting up and gently shutting the door. I notice Vic's eyes droop, and I coo softly.

"My tired baby again, poor medication's got you fucked up, hm?" I ask, and he nods slowly, looking at me.

"So fucked up, I can't wait to get better," He whispers, and I pull the bedsheets over us, kissing his jaw a couple of times, nuzzling him.

"You'll be better soon, i'm gonna care for you," I murmur, and he reaches down, his hand traveling beneath my shorts, kissing my forehead.

"You're so damn perfect," He grumbles, his voice becoming heavy with sleep, and I kiss his chin softly.

"Go to sleep, my love, i'm never leaving," I whisper quietly, and he nods, closing his eyes completely, his chest rising and falling gently. I start to fall asleep myself, his strong arms subconsciously tightening around me. I hum quietly, and after a few hours of sleep, I feel him wake up. He lays there, holding me, stroking my arm. I know we're having the same thoughts, and I know we're both wondering what's in store for us. ✿

i'll see you lovebugs soon. i promise, i won't be long with the hiatus. i just need to compose myself before i start writing again. i love you all.

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