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I wake up in a very comfortable bed, Mike's clothes on my body as I lay here awake. I lost my job, and Mike is here comforting me. I lost my job, Vic got jealous, and he fired me. I lost my job, and I have no money.

I sit up slowly, stretching out slightly, and I look at the sunlight that's streaming through my window. I curl up a little, hugging my sweater paws to my chest, and I hear some footsteps. Must be Mike.

"Mike, where the fuck is my assistant?" I hear a voice yell, and I gasp, my heart stopping in my chest. Vic? What the fuck is he doing here?

"Michael Christopher, where the fuck is he?" He snaps, and I dive underneath the bedsheets, covering myself as much as I can. Maybe if I stay silent, he won't find me.

"The door swings open, and I hold back a gasp as my heart pounds in my chest.

I think i'm going to die.

"Michael Christoper, where the hell-" He starts, and I feel the bedsheets being ripped off me. I squeal, covering my face, and I hear him sigh.

"Kellin." He says in a gentle voice, and I open my eyes. He was in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, and it shocked me to see him outside of his work uniform.

"What?" I ask, sitting up, and he looks at me again. And then, he smiles, he fucking smiles at me. Victor Fuentes smiles at me.

"Why are you being so fucking nice all of a sudden?" I ask defensively, and the mean look reappears on his face.

"Do you want me to be mean and demanding?" He asks, and I shake my head slowly, frowning.

"Okay, then. We'll, i'm really sorry for snapping at you, but we have to get back to work." He says, and I shake my head slowly immediately after. I'm not going back until I get a real, sincere apology.

"No." I whisper, and he looks at me, his eyebrows raised in amusement.

"Excuse me?" He asks, and I shake my head again, hugging a pillow to my chest.

"I'm not going back, sir." I say quietly, and then I mentally curse myself for calling him sir. Of fucking course.

"Well." He says, and I frown.

"You have no choice, because I own you." He says, and I frown even more.

"You don't own me." I whisper, my throat dry, but I would certainly love it if he did.

"After that whole thing with Mike, I definitely own you. Now, let's go." He says, taking my hand and pulling me up, and I tug back. He was jealous!

"You were jealous, weren't you?" I ask, and he stops, turning around to look at me.

"No, I wasn't, now let's go." He says through gritted teeth as he continues to pull me, and I giggle, smiling. He was jealous.

"Mike is a great kisser, by the way." I say before we reach the front door, giggling even more, and he whips around, shoving me against the wall.

"He what?" He roars, and I smile, looking at my boss. He's jealous of Mike and I! This is great, now I have something against him.

"I said, he's a great kisser." I say bravely, and I notice that he was watching my lips.

"Shut up." He growls, and I smile.

"Didn't you say you wanted to go back to work?" I ask sweetly, biting my lip at the end, and he continues to watch me.

"I said, shut up!" He says, and I slip out from underneath him, practically skipping to the front door. I feel his eyes on me, and I can tell he was staring.

"I'm not fucking done with you!" He yells, and I smile, opening the door.

"Can't hear you, I have to get back to work!" I yell, and with that, i'm slamming the door and taking off running to my job.


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