"Biohazardous" puns Part: Two

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Leon: AAAAAAAAA- *still on his knees*

Helena: \( ・_・) Anyway...You know our capsules and First Aid spray?

Piers: Yeah?

Chris: Yeah...

Helena: Leon replaces all of his with a steady supply of tic tacs and hair spray.

Piers: (/•ิ_•ิ)/ I knew it!

Chris: Tch. Figures. Self-centered idiot has always been a diva.

Piers: (/•ิ_•ิ)/ I knew it as soon as I saw all the colors of capsules he had!

Chris: (¬_¬) Good for nothing...Okay, my turn- What is seriously up with Leon?

Helena: ...Huh?

Piers: (^ω^)

Chris: (҂-̀_-́) All he does is chase Ada...And any other woman in the franchise. (¬_¬) Like MY SISTER.

Leon: *suddenly stops screaming and gets up* YOU'RE STILL ON THAT?!

Piers: (/•ิ_•ิ)/ Sic 'im Captain!!!

Chris: Yes, I'm still "on that", I don't trust you with my sister! *stands*

Leon: ಠ_ಠ Ya know what come the next apocalypse, I'll remember to let you handle it.

Chris: I ALWAYS handle it! While you're kissing the Presidents ass!

Leon: (*゚ロ゚) ASS. *tackles Chris*

Chris&Leon: *comical fight cloud with angry animal noises*

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