2 - Curious About You

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You wander the same little pass as always to get to the house of your spirit friend, on the way you reflect on the last events that have happened recently. "Why does this boy want to meet me again? What are his intentions...? I really can't read this... Mob," you think.

Falling too deep inside your mind you trip and fall in front of the house's front door, but for any reason you land softly.

"You are always protecting me, Foxy, aren't you?" You say with a bright smile on your face and eyes still closed, but you just hear some mumbling, and it isn't Foxy's voice. The heat rushes to your face as you see the boy you recently thought about buried beneath you. "I-I-I'm ... s-s-sorry...", you stumble, standing up and helping the boy to get up too.

"I-I was in thoughts a-and..." A few sweat drops flow from your forehead all the way down to your chin. "I-It's okay, (Y/N)-san", Mob says, dusting himself off, a light blush can be seen on his face. You just look embarrassed at the ground, still blushing dark red.

A few moments pass by but it feels like forever until you have the courage to speak again, still looking at the ground, "Eh... Ehmmm... You c-came earlier than I-I expected. But we should get i-i-inside, don't y-you think? It's not th-that warmer inside b-but a little bit..."

"Sure." Mob says with a light smile on his face, you look at him shortly then you lower your head again, opening the door.

"Foxy? Where are you?" You call for the fox spirit, no response, you turn towards Mob, finally you aren't in shock about the accident before anymore. "Must be outside..." Mob just looks at you confused. "H-Hunting... I don't know why a spirit can get hungry... But that's how it is," you explain, and add.

"No people or other ghosts, just some rabbits or some raccoons." Again silence.

"Damn, I'm not used to have contact with other people, besides mother, but that's not even that often, too..." You think, looking at the floor. "Foxy, where are you? I need you right now..."

"Shall we go upstairs again?" Mob's voice conquers the silence, "where we talked last time?"

"Sure." You lightly nodding. You two went upstairs while sitting down at your favorite spot you placed your backpack besides you, Mob sits down in front of you. "Can I ask you something, Mob-kun?" You ask, Mob just nods.

"Why did you want to visit again... And talk to me?"

He scratched his cheek, lightly blushing. "I... uhhh... think you're a n-nice person, and you're just like me when I was younger," he says looking up to the roof. "I'm glad that I met Master, he taught me a lot..."

"Okay... I have another question. How old were you when you saw your first spirit, Mob-kun?"

He lowers his head and rubs his chin before he says, "I think with 5 or 6 years... At first I was really scared, but the first time a spirit really approached me, I exorcised it. I didn't learn it, it was just... My instinct? And how old were you, (Y/N)-san?"

You look to the ground. "I-I really can't remember..."

"Ah... Okay..."

A sad smile can be seen on your face, you pull your knees near your face, before you look towards Mob. "No, I didn't meant it like that... I can't remember the time I COULDN'T see spirits... They were always there... Above my crib when I was a toddler, inside mirrors, under my bed, inside my closet..."

Shivers flow through your body, remembering all of that again is hard for you. Mob looks at you with a sad expression on his face. "When I was older I started talking to the ghosts, surprisingly most of them weren't bad, and I could even talk to animal spirits. My mother was excited when she found out about my ability, and explained to me that in our family every first born daughter was capable of seeing spirits."

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