Chapter One

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It was hard to believe, it definitely was — no matter how much I wished, the scene would not disappear. Before me stood all that I could ever have dreamed off. Yet, now that it was real, I didn't want it so much anymore.

But I was getting ahead of myself, to explain myself more I need to backtrack. To a few hours before the untimely event that would change my life forever.

I have to go back to the beginning.


With a screech, the school bell rang, signalling the end of the day. The horde of tense teens made a scramble to the door, eager to get the hell out of here. 

Like all those around me, I was just as enthusiast to escape — as a long weekend seemed more than pleasing. Just as any other teenager, I didn't particularly enjoy the act of waking up to attend my living nightmare.

People, god I hate people.

If I were being honest, my only two friends and the canteen were the last remaining reasons I still went to this damn place — that and my mother.

Within seconds the classroom had emptied, going from a screaming riot — complete with flipped table — to a sanctuary of complete silence. Only myself and a few others remained. 

"Have a wonderful weekend, Ivory." A voice called out, looking back I got the clearly forced smile of my tenth grade Maths teacher.

"You too," I frowned, not even bothering to smile. "Sir." 

With my backpack swung over my shoulders, I darted out the room, into the hall. Sighing, I inched my elbows up defensively, earphones in and a frown across my face. Weaving through the mass of people, I tried my best to avoid the particularly sweaty ones.

Summer in Australia was the worst. Thought late February wasn't as bad as January per say, the strong rays of heat still angered me to no end.

I always did like winter.

Then, I felt a hand grip my shoulder. I was pulled out of the crowd and into an empty corridor, looking to my left, I tugged out one earphone as I came face to face with one of my few friends.

"Iz," I could barely muster a smile — we were good friends, seven years in the making. But after fifth period on a Friday I didn't want to deal with anyone but my bed.

By some peoples standards, I would be what you called an "ambivert". A combination of an introvert and an extrovert. However I am far from that. An extrovert as a young child, i've become a complete introvert — with the thought of interacting with others making me sick to my stomach.

I was just not half-bad at acting.

It wasn't that I was ill, mentally wise, or anything like that — but you would be surprised to how many people believe I do in fact suffer some sort of illness one way or another.

I was fine, perfect to be honest — mentally wise anyway, although some would argue there was a "mental" to begin with.

Most of my life, I acted a certain way — all that "societies way" bullshit. It worked — on me. I wanted to fit in, so I lied, cheated, and manipulated my way to the top of the food chain. 

It wasn't the best motivational poster but I was far from motivational. I was lazy, cruel and almost heartless.

If you weren't high on "Ivory's List of People she give two shits about" then I couldn't care less if you breathed or not.

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