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The funeral was Sunday afternoon.

Everyone came, even Meg.

The funeral went smoothly.

Cas, Sam, Dean, and Chuck all spoke.

Jackson and Raven cried with each other.

Dean, Sam, and Cas did the same, just very quietly.

Once the funeral was over, and Gabe was buried, and everyone went home, Raven and Dean stayed at his grave.

"I'll miss you Gabe..." Dean placed his hand on the headstone. "I can't believe you're gone..."


"Yes baby?"

"I'll never leave you."

"I know you won't, baby."

Dean and Raven sat down on the grass next to Gabe's grave. Raven sat in Dean's lap and hugged him. "It's OK to cry, Daddy."

With a small sniffle, the tears suddenly came and Dean cried into his daughters shoulder.

"I got you Daddy... I got you."

"Th-Thank you baby."

The two stayed at Gabe's grave until nightfall. When they went home, they washed up and climbed into bed with each other.

"I love you Daddy."

"I love you too, Darling."

Raven looked up at the cieling. "And I love you, Daddy."

As they both fell asleep, Raven could've swore she heard something/someone say,

'I love you too.'

The End

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