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The reception was a blast!

The food was amazing.

The songs were great.

Everyone had a good time, including Raven who came out of her shell.

"Jackson, go ask your cousin to dance." Cas whispered to his son.

Jackson nodded and went over to Raven. He asked her to dance and she happily obliged.

Dean and Gabe were slow dancing, when they noticed their daughter and nephew copying their movements.

Gabe teared up a little and smiled. "Oh my god..."

Dean chuckled lightly. "They're so cute."

Gabe nodded and rested his head on Dean's shoulder as they swayed. "We're married, Dean. Actually married."

"I know Gabe... I'm your husband and you're mine... It's amazing."

"I agree."



"Yeah, Cas?"

"I ship Raven and Jackson."

"That's incest, but OK."

"I ship Wincest too..."


"What? Nothing."

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