32; The Center Of My Soul

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'Perfect Places' by Lorde

"'Cause we are young and we're ashamed.

Send us to perfect places.

All of our heroes fading.

Now I can't stand to be alone.

Let's go to perfect places."

I don't know how I came here. The plantation. I sat on the steps, sobbing to my heart's content. I decided to call the only person to cease this.

"How's life going in New Orleans?"

"Elena? Can you come to New Orleans? I need you," I sob.

"What's wrong?"

"Please! Please! I just-just-" I sob harder and harder with each word. The call ended and the phone slipped from my fingers. My insides curled inside of myself, as I laid on the front porch.

My heart is gone. Broken.


3rd person

"Where the hell is she?" The uneasy Hybrid growled.

"We've searched the entire Quarter, Niklaus. She's nowhere to be found." Elijah stated.

"Look in the bayou." Klaus demand.


"Hello?" A familiar voice echoed through the compound. Both Elijah and Klaus shared a look before racing to the front door to the compound. Harper's face greeted them with a confused expression. "Klaus? Elijah?" She asked.

"Harper. Where have you been? Are you alright?" Klaus sets his hands on her shoulders and inspects her.

She pushes him away. "Get off of me," she hissed. "It's Elena. Where's Harper?" She asked. Elijah and Klaus looked at each other.

"Elena?" Elijah questioned.

Klaus inspected her more closely. Elena had her hair colored with red, she didn't have a protruding pregnant belly, and the very fact that she dressed that she dressed quite peppy was a sea give away. He wanted it to be her.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"Harper called me last night. Begged me to come to New Orleans. She was crying, and I've never heard her cry. I caught the next plane here," Elena explained.

"She hasn't answered any of our calls," Elijah stated, in a frustrated tone.

"I'll call her," Elena said.

"I doubt she'll answer," Klaus raised his voice. "We need to find her."

"One more call, Klaus," Elijah suggested. Klaus sighed in frustration, they were wasting time. She could've been kidnapped, ran away, or dead by now.

Elena takes out her phone and dials her sister's number.


Rhythmic vibrating and sound came from something on the wooden floor inches from Harper's face. Her eyes squeezed shut, then began to blink their way through the bright morning sun.

Her phone had a large crack spider-webbing the screen as her sisters name appeared on the screen. Her hands found the motivation to pick up the phone and answer it.

"Hello?" Harper's voice cracked from last nights sobbing.

"Oh, my god, Harper! Where are you?" Elena asked.

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