Chapter 74 - What Have I Done?

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Rey stood in the center of the chamber given to her. Around her was chaos. She did not want to be in this room, not ever. The torture chair she had been in herself not too long ago sat in the middle. The control console was to her right was destroyed, seemingly cut by a lightsaber.

"That seems true to form for my brother. Mother, what were you thinking when you raised him?" she muttered. "I'm pretty sure you would not have put up with wanton destruction."

Rey waited for a response, but she received none. She collapsed in the room's one regular chair and cried. The tears came easier, now that she was not with Snoke. The pain burnt through her, and she wondered how long it would be before she would see her mother again. Snoke had promised her return. Rey just had to believe and hope that it would be soon.

Rey looked around the rest of the room. A melted helmet sat on a table filled with ashes. Rey picked it up and looked at it carefully. She recognized it immediately. She moved to put it down, but she could not. Her inner being was torn. She did not know what to do. And she missed him.

"Granddad! Please, speak to me," she uttered.

Rey bowed her head in shame and anguish, waiting. "Granddad, I need you!" she called again.

At first it was just the briefest shimmer in the Force. Rey thought she might be hallucinating. And then Ani was there, standing in front of her, visibly upset.

"Granddad, what have I done?" asked Rey.

"I don't know, Rey, I don't know," answered Ani. "But it's never too late. Come back. Don't let the darkness take you. Resist."

"I don't know how," spoke Rey. "Snoke promised to bring mother back. I can't give up. Anything to save her."

"Rey, she's in a better place . . . or she will be soon," informed Ani.

"What do you mean by that?" asked Rey.

"You will know soon enough. She doesn't want to come back," spoke Ani.

"She wouldn't want to leave me. I know that," debated Rey.

"She hasn't. Just give her time. She'll return. Rey, this is not the path she would ever choose for you," revealed Ani.

"I can't take that risk, Granddad . . . But the darkness . . . it's swallowing me," mentioned Rey. "When I'm with Snoke, I don't even know who I am anymore."

"That is part of his power, Rey. You can resist him," encouraged Ani. Then he looked around cautiously. "I can't stay here long. He'll feel my presence. He was my master far too long."

"He's not on the ship," spoke Rey.

"That doesn't matter. Just know this: we will get you out of here, but you must resist him. Do not give in to the dark side, Rey. Please," begged Ani. Sounds were heard outside Rey's chamber, stormtroopers marching, officers giving orders. Ani quickly disappeared.

Rey asked herself, "What have I done? Mother, help me!"

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