Chapter 53 - May the Force Be With You

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The next morning Rey ate a silent breakfast with Leia, pondering the words of her granddad. Why didn't he tell me years ago? And what does he mean this Plagueis is his father, yet possesses people? Rey gazed at her mother again, pouring the stimcaf—probably her fourth cup this morning. Rey could feel Leia's worry—worry for Rey, worry for Ben, worry for them all.

More than once Leia opened her mouth to say something. And more than once she closed it again. She did not need to speak, because Rey could feel her emotions bleeding over. It feels so good to be loved. Why do I have to leave now that I've found her? Why can't I have a normal life? wondered Rey, luxuriating in the love flowing across the Force. Rey could actually feel the Force more now, as Ani said, almost touch it, it was so strong in her. It spoke as loudly as her own desires. And it's not just Ben, granddad said, it's me, too. I have to be trained to withstand this evil—to conquer this evil.

The Force brought the memory to mind of the video on Cloud City. What was it her granddad had said? "Join me, and I will complete your training . . . and bring order to the galaxy." He wasn't talking about continuing the Empire. He was talking about a galaxy without Plagueis, a galaxy without evil, a galaxy that his grandchildren could live in peacefully.

Leia handed Rey a plate of something, Rey was not quite sure. "Thank you," she said, picking up a piece of bread and biting into it. Rey then grabbed the white rubbery thing and tore a piece off with her hands before stuffing it in her mouth.

Leia looked at her with a motherly look. "Use your utensils on the zered egg."

Rey looked at her, ashamed. "I'm sorry. I'm not used to this."

"It's OK. I know you come from a different experience. Wipe your fingers on the napkin—yes, that cloth right there. Now just follow my lead," instructed Leia gently, grabbing her knife and fork and slicing a small piece off her egg. Leia put the piece in her mouth and chew it quietly while Rey cut a large piece and shoved it in her mouth, chewing with her mouth open and trying to talk at the same time. Leia used her finger to indicate for Rey to be quiet. Then she tried something she had only done with Luke before, mindspeech. Rey, wait until you're done eating that bite before you speak.

Rey's eyes opened in wonder that her mother spoke that way. She had only previously used mindspeech with Ani. This isn't easy. I'm sorry. There are so many rules.

Leia replied, "It's OK. Just follow my lead. I was brought up in a Royal House. You were not. But, Rey, when you were little I did teach you some table manners. They'll come back to you when you're relaxed, and we've broken these bad habits."

"Does it really matter?" asked Rey.

"Yes, if you don't want to offend people. You might need to eat with your enemies one day—"

"I will never eat with Snoke!"

"I was referring to political enemies. Maybe even political allies. You can't afford to offend them with bad table manners," indicated Leia.

"But why now? I'm heading to Uncle Luke in just an hour. Who cares?" asked Rey, frustrated. It was all she could do to keep from licking the plate clean.

"I care. I care deeply about you. I see a future for you, when this is all over. A future with that young man in the Med Center, perhaps," remarked Leia. "And I don't want you to feel unwelcome here. I don't want you to run off to the other side of the galaxy with him because you feel out of place."

Rey set her napkin down and pushed away from the table. "I won't. I promise I'll be back. And the next time I come back, I won't leave you. You have my word."

Leia stood and hugged her daughter, hugged her like she would not let go. "Luke's waiting for you, and you need training—not just in table manners." She smiled softly and stroked her daughter's hair. "Bring him back, Rey."

"I will. I'll bring them both back, Mother," promised Rey as she kissed Leia.

"Where's that vest?" asked Leia as Rey started to leave.

"I put it back in the closet," answered Rey, afraid she had done the wrong thing again.

"Wait. I want you to have it," stated Leia as she crossed to the closet.

Rey took it from her hand and replied, "Thank you."

"I bought it for you, weeks ago, when I was last on Hosnian Prime," admitted Leia.

"Weeks ago? You knew?" asked Rey.

"I had faith that you would return," corrected Leia. "As I do now. So, do you like it?"

"I love it," answered Rey, fingering the material of the grey wool. This would be too hot on Jakku. I hope that Ahch-To is cooler than Jakku.

"Do you want some other clothes? We can get you Resistance uniforms if you want to get out of those rags."

"I'm not part of the Resistance, Mother, and I don't want to be identified as one. These will do for now," answered Rey, trying not to be hurt by her mother's words. She means well. She didn't mean to insult you. Rey hugged her again and exited the quarters.


Leia followed her to the Med Center, watching from afar. Rey kneeled down beside Finn, who was still unconscious. She looked at him thinking, I wish he were awake, so I could tell him why I will not be here, where I am going, why I have to this. She leaned forward and kissed him on the forehead. "We'll see each other again. I believe that. Thank you, My Friend." Rey almost turned back and stayed, just until Finn recovered, but she knew she could not. It was now or never.


Leia followed Rey out to the tarmac. Chewbacca had agreed to go with Rey. He was not surprised when Leia told him about Rey being Han's daughter last night. Rey had laughed at Chewbacca's response: the Wookiee had known from the moment he met Rey on the Falcon—something about her smell being similar.

Although Rey could not bring herself to call him "Uncle Chewie" as her mother had insisted Ben used to, she was glad he was coming with her. He owned the other half of the Falcon; and if Luke would not come back, then Rey would stay and Chewie would fly the Falcon back to D'Qar until they called.

Artoo was to accompany them, as well. He wanted to see his master—he insisted Luke had programmed him to go. Whether he would return with Chewbacca was yet to be seen. Whatever his programming ended up being, I guess, thought Rey.

She turned as she reached the ramp to look one last time at her mother, dressed in a regal blue dress, looking every inch the princess—no, the queen. By rights she should be the Queen of Alderaan, possibly even of Naboo—but I seem to remember Naboo has an elected monarchy, thought Rey, her thoughts wandering, not wanting to deal with what was happening. Reality: she was leaving, leaving for training she needed. Rey wanted to run back into her mother's arms, but she knew if she did, she would never leave. She would stay here forever, and Ben . . . the galaxy would be lost forever.

Her mother broke the silence with one phrase, "May the Force be with you." That's it. The Force. The Force is orchestrating this, so the Force will make it turn out all right in the end. Remember how Luke saved granddad. The Force did that to.

Rey could feel the love and the conflict within Leia to let Rey go again. Rey waved and turned around, heading into the Falcon.


Rey was shocked to find Chewbacca in the co-pilot's seat again. Chewbacca moaned *It's yours. I don't like how that seat feels, anyway.*

Rey smiled at him and flicked some switches for flight. As the Falcon launched, Rey thought, I'm coming back, Mother. They're coming with me, and Plagueis will be destroyed forever.

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