Chapter 18

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Kireina's Point of View

"So, since we're done, let's go to the best place die," She continued as she smiled.

" 'Let's go to the best place die,' " Naruto mocked,"Like that's really gonna scare us! You're trying to psych us out, and I'm not gonna fall it!""

"Oh really? You're pretty cocky, Huh?", she replied as she grinned.

She quickly took out a kunai and threw it and cut Naruto's cheek.

I mean, She would if I didn't step in.

And the reason I didn't block, with a knife, I was too lazy, that wouldn't have hurt me anyway.

"I forgot how delicious your blood taste," Anko said as she licked my blood.

(Anko is not crazy, she- actually she is insane, but, Shikami is more insane😅)

The other genin looked terrified and as well as confused why I didn't freak out.

"I know, I'm so sweet," I say sarcastically,"Look what you did psycho, I have a cut in my mask,"

A woman that had a really long tongue gave Anko back her kunai said said creepily,"Your kunai knife, I believe you dropped it,"

"Gee... Thanks," Anko said, as she told the woman,"Don't just stand behind me... Radiating bloodlust... Unless you're in a hurry to die,"

"I'll try to keep it under control... But, the sight of warm, fresh blood really makes me crazy... And I was already revved up... From losing a strand of my precious hair,"

The other contestants looked terrified at Anko and even more mortified at the snake lady, but I actually like this woman.

"Hey, snake lady, I like your take on blood, I really want to move along, alright?", I state.

"Of course...", she responded.

"Before we begin the second exam," Psycho said,"There's something I need to hand out,"

'Oh, great, let's get this over with,' I thought impatiently.

"They're consent forms. Everyone has to sign one," she explained.

"Why?", Naruto asked.

"We want all the detail covered before the first death occur. Sign before you go in, so we can't be held liable. You would want me to get in trouble, would you?<3", she continued,"First, I'll explain what the second exam entails. Then you can sign the forms. With the other two members of your cell, bring the forms to the hut behind you can submit them,"

She starts handing out the forms and pull out a map,"Got that? Now about the exam. To put it simply... It's a no-holds barred survival test. Let's start with the topography of this training ground. I'll explain the rest later. Training ground #44... Is a bordered by a circular perimeter, interrupted at regular intervals by forty-four locked gates. There are forests and a river... And in the centre is a tower about ten kilometres from those gates. Within the confines of this carefully delineated area, you're going to undergo a survival test. During the course of that test, you may use ninja arts or weapons you have at your disposal. It's a kind of fight-to-the-death version of 'Capture the flag' or in this case, 'Capture the scroll'.

"Scroll?", a idiotic genin called out.

"Exactly! There's a 'Scroll of Heaven' and a 'Scroll of Earth' and your objective is to acquire both of these scrolls. There's are Seventy-six of you here. That means there's twenty-five three member teams and one solo team. Thirteen teams will start out with a heaven scroll, and the other thirteen will start with an earth scroll. But you'll need both scrolls to pass. And then bring them both to the tower at the centre," she informed.

"In other words, at least half of us--The thirteen teams whose scrolls are stolen--will fail," Sakura stated.

"You bet! And there's a time limit! You have 120 hours in which to complete this exam--Exactly five days!", Anko told.

"Five days?!", Ino shouts.

"What are we supposed to do for our food?!", Choji yelled.

"That's your problem. The forest is full of nature's bounty. Of course it's also full of man-eating animal, venomous insects, and poisonous plants," Anko said,"The further into the exams, the harder and faster it will get, the less time you have to recover or have time to fix your mistakes. You'll be surrounded with enemies at all times, so, you have to sleep with one eye open,"

I zone out from there. Do you think if you did the Chunin, Jounin, and Anbu exams, you would forget the rules? Probably, I did too, but, I'll live for sure.

The Chunins started handing out the scrolls and I got the heaven one.

My gate number was 18, and I looked and saw everyone else in their gates too.

Anko watched her watch as she exclaimed,"Part two of the journeyman ninja selection exam, begins,


The gates fly open as all the genin rush inside.

I sprint in as I smile,

'This is gonna be fun,'

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