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MinJung's POV

After the 'stranger' left Sehun did literally nothing, he just stared at the door, dumbfounded.

I tried to comprehend what was going on but it was pretty confusing. Imagine yourself being dragged to a school, promising yourself that you wouldn't socialize yourself with guys, and then ending up doing the exact opposite. And then you end up making out with this guy. And while your kissing, a random student opens the door and starts blabbering about something you don't even know about. And what's worse is that this guy that you were kissing, opens the door, walks out and pretends that none of that happened. Well, if you were able to imagine that, that was me.

When Sehun left, I found myself doing the exact thing Sehun was doing before. I stared at the door, confused.

I ended up walking out, head down, and shut the door. My steps were heavy. I ruined my life at the moment. I never really liked myself. Who are you kidding? I hate myself. I'm stupid, naive, and too trusting. I trusted  Sehun with my secret, my body, and... my heart. He stole my first kiss, he stole my heart. Selfish brat!  MinJung you are so fucking stupid! You trusted him. I thought you said you wouldn't associate with guys, but look at you now! *Scoff* Stupid.

Since my head was down I bumped into someone. I raised my head, eyes tearing up, wet with tears. It was the boy from before. It was the student who barged in on me kissing with an asshole.

"What do you want?!" He scowled.

"What's your problem, huh? I've never met you before and you're mad at me for some reason I'm not even aware of, and it pisses the heck out of me."

He sneered. "You honestly don't know why I'm mad at you?" I shook my head no. "Well, why don't you ask your boyfriend, hoe." He turned around and headed for his next class. I was already ditched once today and I was not going to let it happen again. I grabbed his collar and pulled him back, causing him to lose his balance. He spun around quickly almost like a ballerina and pulled my hair. I pulled harder and flew my hand to his face. But my hand was left mid-air as the principal walked in.


According to the principal we were apparently causing an 'episode' in the hall and 'disturbing students from their education.' 

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