9~But You Can't

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MinJung's POV

I was heading to my locker when i saw Minae scurry off.

Why would she do that? It's not like there's a lunch special today.

I opened my locker and felt a pair of eyes staring at me. And I bet you it's Sehun. I turned around to check if I was right and it was him. I praised myself. I could even become a fortune teller if I keep this up. Sehun gave me a long look before he ran away.

Did I do something wrong to Minae and Sehun?

I checked my breath while getting my textbook. And my breath smelled normal so it definitely wasn't my breath that was making everyone run away from me.

I was about to close my locker when a piece of notepad paper fell onto the floor. I quickly took the note before the other students would trample it.

It said:
I Like You
          <3 Sehun

He likes me?! Wow that's a lot to take in. I'm confused and happy and disappointed. 

Ugh why does Sehun like me? I like him too and I wish we didn't have feelings for each other... Now I'm going to have to tell him that I can't like him too and it's going to ruin our relationship. *sigh*

I carefully put the paper inside my backpack hoping that it wouldn't get crumpled. He was my first crush after all. 

I'll meet him in the janitor's closet after lunch. Ya that's a good plan right. Right?

I was really doubting myself right now. But I decided to forget about it, at least for lunch. I sat where we usually sat, with Minae, Sehun, Kai, and Ria. I was just about to eat my chicken when Minae suddenly pulled me out of the table. I was confused but also a bit relieved, at least I won't have to be with Sehun, it would be a bit awkward, you know because of the note and stuff...

"MinJung I have something really serious to say,"

It's Sehun.

"Ok, what is it?"

"Sehun likes you,"

Toldja so.

"But that's not all, I told him that he can't like you and then he asked why so then of course I wasn't going to tell him the exact truth so I just told him that you had a 'bad relationship experience," Minae seemed really concerned at this point which was really sweet of her but I wasn't worried at all because I had a plan.

"It's ok, it's ok," I said soothing her. "I have a plan, I'm going to talk to him in the janitor closet, you know about how we can't like each other and stuff."

"But I thought you liked Sehun?"

"I do but I don't want to hurt him or end up getting hurt."

She nodded, a bit sad. I could tell she felt pity for me.

"I'm here if you need me" she told me hugging me tightly I hugged her back teary-eyed.

"Let's go eat, I'm starving," I said trying to change the subject to a less sad one.

We walked back acting as if nothing happened.

"What was that about?" Kai asked in a full mouth of chicken.

He ate my chicken! That brat.

"Oppa! You ate my chicken!" I accused.

"No I didn't, he innocently said, swallowing the last bits of my  chicken.

"Come here you chicken eating stealer." I started chasing him around our lunch table.

"Good luck catching me. And do you really expect me to leave an opened container of chicken left alone by itself?"

"UGH! When I catch you I'm going to make that chicken come out of you!"

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