1~Note Pad

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MinJung's POV

(Flashback to 5 years back)

I like you, the paper said. I looked around to see who wrote it but everyone was busy talking to their friends. I couldn't believe someone liked me. I only had two friends and I liked reading books which was not impressive since I was in an athletic middle school. The bell rang and everyone rushed to their classes.

I couldn't stop thinking about who it was while we were in Math class and my teacher noticed.

"MinJung-ah what are you thinking about? Your face is giving off blank stares. Why don't you answer our math question if you even know what it is." She rolled her eyes and waited for my answer.

Instead of saying the answer I looked at the clock and noticed that there would be only a few more seconds until class would be dismissed. I waited. And inevitably the bell rang.

I put the textbook back into my locker and a note fell out, in the same white paper that the secret admirer had used before. But this time it said something else, meet me in the school courtyard.

I did so and sat under the tree where I usually read my books. I checked my surrounding hoping to find the person who wrote the notes. Instead I heard a loud thud. I ran; I didn't know where to run but I ran.

And then I found something that I didn't need to see, a dead body lay in front of me.

I called the ambulance, cellphone in my quivering hand. I yelled for help. I could tell my veins were appearing as I yelled. Teachers came by my side and carried the junior to the ambulance.

I stood there, frozen. Puzzle pieces formed a picture in my head. The hoobae was Oh Hwan, a shy student who I tutored in Science. He must've jumped for fear that I would reject him. I ran home with one thought repeating itself in my head; I was the cause of someone's death. 

(End of Flashback)

I Like YouΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα