Chapter 22. Sense of serenity.

Start from the beginning

 Cody's eyes bulged as the words sank in and his jaw hit the floor.

 "WHAT?" he blurted out  in disbelief, his voice almost cracking.

The very next moment the door swung open with a loud crash against the wall behind it and  Lance literally toppled  into the room, coming to an abrupt halt in the middle of it, his eyes darting back and forth between his mother and Cody.  He really had to pull himself together to pick up the jaw of his that had plummet to the floor.

 Both Laura and Cody froze solid as they were and stared with plain horror at him. The immediate silence that settled in the room became simply unbearable in just seconds.

~    ~      ~ 

Neal raked his hand through his hair and he every now and then stared out over the 'office' landscape of the police station from his more or less hidden spot behind his desk. He rocked back and forth on his chair as he browsed through a pile of paper that needed to be signed .

 He was beyond irritated and enraged over the botched opportunity with Laura.

 Now everything had become much more complicated. To say the least.

But he would get her. He just had to.

 The clock on the opposite wall had received multiple dark glares during this evening, and it had been called a few bad names too as it had crept all but too slow, but now finally the end of this shift was near.

 Why Kay had shown him this woman in the first place, and introduced her to him, he really could not understand.  Kay just had to have known what a devastating move that was on his behalf. Neal shook his head slightly as he grinded his teeth together.

 Regrettably Kay knew what kind of sexual orientation he had, and now as he had met Laura he knew that she would never ever be the submissive he had hoped for. For many weeks he had clung to that hope as he had observed her in the bar from his remote table in the corner. But now reality had hit home.

It was not in her nature.

 She would have to be forced. Roughly and hard.

 Somehow that thought produced a shadow of a smile on his face.

 Gazing one last time on the clock on the wall, he gathered all his papers and shoved them down in the desk drawer and locked it. He then with a swift move don his blazer and stormed out from there with a purpose.

 He was going to feed Cody's parents, Mick and Diane, some of the juicy stuff their son was involved in, and he grinned as he realized what that would do to Laura.

 She would be fucked in more ways than one. . .and very much so.                         

~      ~       ~     

Laura gasped and she palmed her mouth as she saw her son barge through the door like the house was on fire.

 Instinctively she gave Cody a quick glance as he stood right in front of her.

 He looked surprisingly calm and collected.

"Lance!" Laura exclaimed and looked back at him, "What the hell are you doing?" she felt totally stunned.

 He gaped at her and a nasty chuckle erupted from him. He was mad enough to not know which foot to lean on.

 "What am I doing?" he sputtered out with contempt and pointed at Cody with a stern and shaky finger, "What the hell is HE doing?  In your bedroom?  At night?"

There was a short silence.

 "I am just. . ." Cody started.

 "You shut the fuck up!" Lance yelled at him interrupting, with his hand balled into a fist for him to see, "I am talking to my mother."

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