Deadpool Visits The Gang

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Hey guys. It's the one, the only, Kiritodude1. And today, we have a special guest. You see him everywhere in Comic-Con, has his own movie, and is a merp with a mouth. The one and only, Deadpool.

Deadpool:*bursts in the door* What's up my bitches. Captain Deadpool- shit I mean Deadpool here. Oh Jose and Erik, if you're reading this, then hi- five man. Just hi- five the phone. Just do it! Thank you. Now then, let's begin, shall we.

Kiritodude1: Yeah. Let's begin.

Noah: Morning sunshine.

Becky: Good morning Noah. How are you doing?

Noah: I'm alright.

Becky: Hey, I was wondering.... how was Eli like?

Noah: She was different from you. She was always adventurous. But, she was a lot like you. You both were strong, curious, and beautiful. And that's what I like about you.

Becky: Really?

Noah: Really.

Becky:*leans closer*

Noah:*leans closer*

Deadpool: Look at you two love birds. Reminds me of my days.

Noah: Who the hell are you?

Deadpool: It's me, Deadpool.

Noah: Dead what now.

Deadpool: Can you readers believe this. He doesn't know who I am.

Becky: Um... who are you talking to?

Deadpool: To the viewers of course.

Jose: Hey Noah. You in here? Oh no. Is that, Deadpool?

Deadpool: what's up Jose. How's Amy doing?

Jose: Alright. Why?

Deadpool: Just asking. Oh um... have you see Seba. I wanna talk to my bro.

Seba: *super speeds*Some called me? Wait. Is that my brotha. What up Deadpool.

Deadpool: Yo, how's it going?

Seba: Alright.

Deadpool: Found any girls?

Seba: Yeah. And I think she likes me.

Deadpool: Good. Next thing you need to do is. You know*👉👌*

Noah: Whoa! He's not ready for that.

Deadpool: And you were.

Noah: Huh?

Deadpool: That's right. I know what you did to Becky. I read it like 5 times. I know most of the reader also read it. Am I right guys.

Jose: Noah. What's he talking about? You didn't?!

Noah: Shh.... shut up Deadpool.

Deadpool: Wait. Just facing the facts.

Jose: You son of a bitch!!!

Noah: Here we go again.

Jose: You mother fucking idiot! I told you a thousand times not to do it you jackass! And yet you fucking do it!

Deadpool: Man. This is getting intense.*starts eating popcorn*

Seba: Yo calm down or else your gonna pop a vain.

Jose:*sigh* did you at least use protection?

Noah: .....Maybe.

Jose:*sigh*let's just go before you make me even more mad.

Noah: Y- Yeah. Sure.

Deadpool: Aww.... and it was getting interesting.

Later on...

Deadpool: Hey wanna see something cool?*cuts his hand. Blood comes out*

Noah: That's disgusting.

Deadpool:*heals* and.... tada. There is a scene on my movie that I did this. Here let me show you.

Noah: I think I might lose my lunch. Hey I'm I think i might hit the hay.

Becky: Me too. See you guys later.

Deadpool: Bye guys. Oh and if you do it again, can you video tape it?
Kiritodude1: Uh, why the fuck would you say that?

Deadpool: Oh come on. It's not like you didn't have it in your mind. Speaking of which, when are you gonna do it with Jordyn?

Kiritodude1: Sh..... Don't say that out loud.

Deadpool: Well sorry. I just wanna know.

Kiritodude1: I'll tell you later. Anyway guys that was this chapter and I can't wait to see you next time.


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