The Hacker

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Noah: Man, Tony has a lot of toys. Huh? What's this place. Whoah!!! So this is Stark's armory. Not bad.

Tony So, you like my suits

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Tony So, you like my suits.

Noah: Yeah. They're... wow.

Tony: Hm... tell you what, after you're done taking care of the hacker. I'll do something for you.

Noah: Thanks.

Tony: No prob. I think you should probably get your suit.

Noah: Alright.*looks at a corner* Huh? What's that?

Tony: Oh that? That's a shrink ray. One of the newest tech I created. It can even shrink you as small as an atom.

Noah: Hm... Hey I have an idea.

Tony: What is it?

Later on at night...

Noah: Thank you so much for coming guys.

Jose: No problem.

Becky: So what's the mission?

Noah: Someone is hacking and stealing tech from Stark. So our mission is to stop him.

Becky: Sounds easy enough. Do you have any suspicion on who it is?

Noah: I think you know who it is?

Becky: No. Don't tell me...

Noah: Has four mechanical arms and the brains of an octopus, then yes.

Jose: Doc Ock. You've got history with him?

Noah: Yeah. You see, I secretly tried to save Becky but Doc Ock beat the living crap out of me. But I saved her at least.

Jose: It's why I told you not to go alone.

Noah: But it's different know.

*loud crash*

Jose: Huh?

Noah: That sounded like it came from the main computer area.

Becky: Let's go.

*everyone puts on their masks*

Noah: I'm going in.

Jose: Noah! Wait!

Doc Ock: Hm... What are you hiding Stark?

Noah:*webs slings down* Whatcha doing?

Doc Ock: It's you again? How many times do I have to crush you until you die.*uses mechanical arms to fight him*

Noah:*dodges* Gonna take a lot than that to take me down. Oh you have something on your face.*webs his face*

Doc Ock: Ahh!!!*scratches him with one of his mechanical arms*

Noah: Ahh!!! Uh, guys a little help.

Jose: Oh no you don't.*webs one of his arms*

Becky:*comes from behind and destroys one of his mechanical arms*

Noah:*kicks Doc Ock and lands on the floor* Now Tony!!!

Tony:*starts the machine and blast him, making him small. Gets a jar and puts him in there*

Noah: Well. That took care of that.

The next morning...

Tony: Hey Noah. I upgraded your web shooters.

Noah: Thanks.

Tony: Oh and here are two more things. A access card and this a backpack.

Noah: Uh thanks?

Tony: Press thed button on the backpack.

Noah:*Presses button* Whoah. Thanks Tony.

Bravo:[computer is online]

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Bravo:[computer is online]

Noah: Whoah. Is the suit talking to me?

Tony:*chuckles* Don't worry. Bravo is like Jaris.

Noah: Oh, ok.

Bravo: I look forward to working with you Noah Marksman.

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