"So is it true?" I asked Hunter.

"Is what true?" He asked, confused.

"Do ya always talk about me?" I winked, but was really hoping it was true.

"Who wouldn't talk about their bestfriend?" Hunter said, causing my smile to drop.


Yup it kinda sucks being friend zoned. Just thought yawl should know that!

"Hey Alexis!!" I yelled.

"Shelby!!! Oh my god, your face!" She said pointing to the right side of my face.

"Shelby, oh my! Is that why yawl left?" Cameron asked.

"Oh yea, Amber punched me in the face after her boy toy kissed me." I said completely serious.

Cameron and Alexis started laughing, but I was staring at them with a straight face.

"Wait, you were being serious?" Cameron asked.

"Yea. Her boy toy, Ashton, said I kissed him. I was on my way back from getting a drink, which I couldn't get because of him, and he followed me into the room yawl were in, he grabbed ahold of my wrist and kissed me. Amber saw, started screaming at me, then punched me, and knocked me out until I woke up this morning. It wasn't fun.." I told them.

Hunter put his hand around my waist and pulled me closer to him. Being protective.

"Hunter, I'm fine, they aren't here." I whispered just so he could hear.

"I dont care." Hunter whispered back.

"Why dont you guys just date already?" Alexis yelled.

Hunter and I blushed, and then rolled our eyes at her.

"Do you know how loud you are?" I asked Alexis.

"Yep!" She yelled even louder, this time, making me flinch.

"Gosh, be more quiet, people are starting to stare." Cameron told her, pulling her into a hug, and pecking her lips. I wish I could have a relationship like theirs! They look so happy, and they are so cute.

"Get a room!" I yelled, causing more looks to come my way.

"Hey, I'm gonna go talk to Dann." Hunter told me. I nodded my head, and he left.

"I'm sorry about your face..." Alexis said.

"Haha, it's alright. She came by the house today though." I said.

"Oh my god! She's so annoying! What did she do?" Cameron asked.

"Well, she appologized and told me that she really is sorry and stuff, then when she was about to leave she kissed Hunter right infront of me and said something like 'Now you know what it feels like, bitch.'"

"What did you do?" Alexis asked.

"I ran up the stairs and cried."

"You really love him dont you?" Cameron asked.

"Yea... like a lot.." I answered.

"Why dont you tell him?" asked Cameron.

" 'Cause, Hunter doesn't feel the same way." alexis and Cameron rolled their eyes. "What?"

"Nothing..." Cameron trailed off.

I rolled my eyes and walked off. I have no idea where I should go right now... Yay, I spotted mom and dad, along with Hunter's parents.

"I wonder what the album release party is gonna be like, if this is for a music video!" I told their group.

"Tell me about it! I'm just so proud of Hunter! My baby boy is growing up so fast!" Lynette cried.

"Lynette, this isn't graduation." Leo calmed her.

She hit his arm and I laughed before walking off to find another group.

I searched the room filled with people, and decided that I really didnt feel like talking to anybody. So instead, I walked out of the house and sat on my back porch steps.

A few minutes later, the porch door opened in closed, meaning somebody must have walked out.

"Wow, I show up thinking I get to see my cousin, and yet she doesn't feel like talking to me!" The person said. I turned to the voice and my eyes widened.

"COLE!!!" I yelled jumping up from my spot on the stairs, and tackling him in a hug.

"Shelby!" He yelled back.

I havnt seen Cole in what feels like forever! He's been off in college for 3 years, and he's like a big brother to me. He used to live down the street from Hunter and I, until he graduated and left for college. Hunter and him were really close friends while he lived here, so we used to always hang out, the three of us.

"Ahh, I havnt seen you since Christmas two years ago!" I said excitedly.

"I know! I missed you so much!" Cole told me.

"I missed you too! I cant believe you're here right now! Hows college life?"

"Pretty good! Your gonna love it!"

"I sure hope so! Haha, Have you talked to Hunter yet?"

"Nah, he's been talking to other people, I didnt want to invade."

"Your stupid!"


"Cause, he hasn't seen you in a while!" I said.

"Ha, I'll talk to him sometime tonight."

I nodded my head.

We sat there and talked for what feels like hours, when in reality, it was probably about 30 minutes.

"Let's go talk to Hunter!" I said, pulling Cole up off of the stairs and into the house.

Once I found Hunter, he was talking to his band again. I went up and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Hey Shelby! I was looking for you- Oh my god, Cole!!!" Hunter said, walking forwards and grabbing onto Cole before pulling him into a hug. Then they did this bro handshake thing. Who knows?

"Hey man! I see you've hit it off in music!" Cole told Hunter.

"Yea! It's all thanks to Shelby!" Hunter said. I rolled my eyes.

"Oh! How is that?" Cole asked.

"She's the one who got me a record deal!"

"He always says that, but I'm only the one who booked him an appointment at the studio. He's the one who sang. I did nothing." I joined in.

"What ever you say Shelby."

"Well, it doesn't matter. Hunter, congrats! It's great to see you!" Cole said.

"You too man!"

"Hey Hunter! Sing 'Wanted' for everybody!" Dann yelled, getting feedback from everybody.

"Ok!" Hunter said, heading into the living room where all of the instruments were set up. Hunter walked over to the piano, while his band members walked over to their instruments.

Everybody gathered in around the living room to watch Hunter sing.

"You know I'd fall apart without you..." He started off with the first few lines of the song.

I smile through the whole thing, and when it was over, applause and screams filled the house.

All I Ever Wanted (Hunter Hayes Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora