Chapter Eight

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Michael's POV

   Calum, Ashton and I are in the middle of recording when I hear my phone going off. I pick it up and see Luke's name flash across the screen, I sigh and answer it.

   "What is it, Luke? It better be something important, I'm kind of b-" I'm cut off by Luke frantically shouting into the phone.
    "TABBY. HOSPITAL. INCIDENT. NOW," he shouted, not being able to form a coherent sentence. I hang up and gather up my keys and the others, telling them what's going on.

  We all pile into my car, speeding towards the house. We get Luke and I drive quickly to the hospital, rushing to the front desk. I see a petite, gray haired woman at the counter look up at me and softly smile.

     "Hi, how may I help you today?" She asked warmly, making me smile slightly in return.

     "We're here for our friend, Tabby. Tabitha Lancaster," I spoke, earning a nodded response.

      "Alright, she's in room 5B, first room on the right. You may see her if you'd like," the lady, who's name I found out is Jeannette, guided us. We all walked into her room and my heart immediately sank at the sight before me. Tabby was covered in blood, cuts and bruises. I rush to her side and grab hold of her hand, kissing the top of it gently.

     "Tabs, what happened?" I asked her, tears brimming my eyes. She turned her attention towards me and wiped away a tear that escaped.

      "My ex boyfriend, James. He beat me up in an alley when I was walking to your shared flat. He punched, and kicked, and pulled me, till I was left barely able to move," she replied, her voice breathy and raspy. I clenched my jaw and my face began to get red with fury.

        "Hey, hey, Michael, it's okay," she placed her other hand on mine, calming me down slightly. I looked at her and nodded, not needing to put her through anything else. I kissed her forehead and stood up, exiting the room to talk with the doctor.

   I came back in a few minutes later, telling the others to get in the car. They looked at me questioningly, but obeyed. I look over at Tabby and she's giving me skeptical looks.

      "Alright, Tabs, they said you were good to come home, so if you want, let's go." I spoke, making her smile with delight. I helped her up and to the car, sitting her near the door.

  I drove the 15 minute drive to the flat, then parked and got out, unlocking the door. The boys got out and I helped Tabby, wrapping an arm around her waist. She rolled her eyes at me, but continued letting me help her into the flat. Once inside, I took her up to her room, and placed her on her bed.

      "You need rest, doctor's orders." I spoke, making her nod.

       "I'm not leaving your side, you know." I added, making her nod again. I smiled and crawled in the bed with her, pulling the blanket over us.

   She smiled and got comfortable without having to move too much, and played games on her phone. I noticed she started getting drowsy, so I took her phone out of her hand and placed it in the nightstand. She fell asleep not long after that, so I went to my room and fell asleep, glad that my best friend is okay.

  Tabby's POV

  I pretended to fall asleep so Michael would leave, which, my plan was successful. I texted Luke to come into my room which he came in a few minutes later.

      "Luke, I'm so sorry for not being here to take care of you. It's my fault this happened," I started, making Luke look at me dumbfounded.

       "Tabby, it's not your fault, ok-" I cut him off.

        "Yes, it is, Luke. None of this would've happened if I hadn't been so stu-" I was cut off by his lips being pressed against mine, ever so softly. I kissed back and melted into it, getting lost in the feeling of his warm plump lips against my chapped ones.

   He pulled away too soon in my liking, and just stared at me while smiling.

       "That's one way to shut me up" I laughed, making him laugh in return.

   I blushed lightly and smiled, staring into his ocean blue eyes, feeling like I could drown in them. He smiled and bit his lip, making my heart speed up a little.

       "If you ever want to shut me up, that's the way to do it." I stated, laughing quietly at the end. He laughed too and took ahold of my hand, kissing the top of it softly.

        "Tabby, I know we've only known each other for a little over a month, but I think I'm falling for you." He spoke, making me blush again.

         "I think I'm falling for you too, Luke." I replied, smiling widely.

    I suggested that we stay up and talk, only if he wanted to, and that's exactly what we did. We talked about our favorite hobbies, movies, snacks, pets, colors, etc. By the end of the night, I knew him a LOT better than I did when I first moved here. It's amazing how talking with one person for hours can have you feeling all tingly and giddy inside.

   Truth be told, there's nothing like learning what interests another person. For example, singing interests me, and it interests Luke. We both like penguins, the color blue, Mean Girls, playing guitar, both acoustic and electric, and Michael.

  We may not be in the state of dating yet, but we are becoming closer as each second passes by. Which, is an amazing feeling.

Hey, my lovelies!!! Here's chapter eight! I hope you enjoy, and I'm sorry it's so short, I just couldn't think of how to word this. Anyway, what do YOU want to happen next? I hope you like the story so far and don't forget to vote and comment! I love you all so much

  QOTC: Favorite fruit/s?

  AOTC: Apples, Bananas, Grapes, Strawberries, Blueberries, Peaches, Watermelon, Cantaloupe, Pineapples, and Cherries.

  P.S. (I'm shook by all these Luke pictures I've put in here. I'm a CALUM girl, but Luke and the others like trying to make me swerve.)

  ~Maddie 💕


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