Chapter Three

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Tabby's POV

Michael and I are catching up about what has happened the past 5 years.

Hey, Michael?" I ask. He hums in response. "What exactly is your job?" I ask. He smiles and swallows his bite of pizza, before replying.

"I'm glad you asked me, Tabby. I was just getting ready to tell you." He said. "I'm actually in a band, 5 Seconds of Summer!" He adds in. I stare at him super surprised, before realization hits me.

"Wait, I've heard of your band before but I never knew you were in it! I heard the name Michael and thought it was you, but I let it slide since Michael is a popular guys name." I replied. He laughs and shakes his head.

"That's what I figured you did, actually. I'm just surprised you never asked me till now." He says.

"I wasn't sure if it was actually you, that's why I didn't ask. I should've though, then I would know more songs than just 2." I reply while lightly laughing. He gently nudges me, then turns towards me.

"Do you want to come to the studio with me? You could meet my band mates. I have to leave to a writing/recording session in half an hour, so." He asked and I nodded in response.

"I would love to, Michael!" I reply. He smiles and stands up, throwing the empty pizza box away.

"Okay, we can go ahead and leave to be there early. Ashton hates when we're late, so it's best to get there early." He adds. I nod and get up off the couch, putting on my shoes and grabbing my phone.

"So, there's you and Ashton?" I ask. He chuckles and shakes his head.

"No. There's Ashton, Calum, Luke and me." He replies. I nod and walk out of the door with him, locking it and getting into his car.

"Okay, that should be easy to remember." I say and buckle up, turning on the radio to hear Amnesia. "Hey Michael, it's one of the two songs from your band I've heard!" I shout happily. We both laugh and sing along, not having a care in the world. This is the bonding I missed for the past 5 years. It's good to be able to do this again.

A few minutes after the song is over, we pull into the parking lot of a massive building. I look at him slightly in awe, before unbuckling and getting out. Michael locks his car and we both head inside, seeing 3 other boys there.

"Hey, guys!" Michael says.

"Michael, you're early for once." A curly-haired, blonde headed boy says. I laugh and look at the other 3, noticing a blue- eyed, blonde headed boy. He's kinda hot (see what I did there? Good). The last boy is tan- skinned, dark haired and dark eyed. They're all really cute, mainly the blue- eyed one.

"Who's this, Michael?" The blue- eyed boy asks.

"Luke, this is my best friend since forever, Tabby." I smile and wave.

"Tabby, meet Ashton" he points to the curly-haired one. "Calum." The tan-skinned one. "And Luke." The blue- eyed one.

"Hi Tabby, its nice to meet you." They all say while giving me hugs. They're all so tall, especially Luke. He's like a giraffe (ah, here's to teenage memories.) I hug them back and look around.

"This studio is huge, I love it." I say while looking around. Michael and the others just smile and nod.

Tabby, have you heard of our band before? If so, what do you think?" Luke asked, sounding slightly nervous. I smile.

"Yes, I have. You guys are really good. I've heard a few songs. Which, I just listened to a newer song yesterday. Jet Black Heart is what I think it's called. Its really good, I'm a fan." I reply. They all smile and thank me.

*Time lapse to after writing and recording session*

"Tabby, do you want to hang out with the boys and I at my place?" Michael asks.

"Sure, I would love to. I still want to catch up with you and get to know the boys more." I reply. He nods and we all head out the door, Michael and I going to his car while the others go to Calum's car (his car is amazing).

We drive back to Michael's flat, then go inside. His flat is so nice, nicer than mine. Yet again, he is in a band that earns a lot of money. I go and sit down on the couch, seeing a pile of video games out on the table. I spot Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 and I immediately smirk. Nobody but Michael knows I play video games and that I'm a master at this game.

"Hey, Michael." I shout to him since he's in the kitchen.

"Yeah, Tabby?" He replies.

"Are you planning on playing Call of Duty?" I ask again.

"Yeah, do you want to play?" He asks.

"Oh, you know I do. I'm going to kick all of your asses." I challenge. He laughs and comes out from the kitchen with two beers in his hand. He hands me one and I take it, taking a small sip of it. I set it down on the table and see Ashton, Calum and Luke appear in the living room.

"Did you just say you were going to kick our asses at Call of Duty?" Ashton and Luke ask at the same time. I nod and give them a smirk.

"Of course I did, you're all going down." I reply, determination in my voice. They scoff and sit down, grabbing a controller. Now, everyone has one and we begin the game.

After 30 minutes of intense Call of Duty, I beat the boys. The other 3 groan while Michael high-fives me.

"Boys, Tabby is a master at this game. She always wins when we play." Michael told the other three. I laugh and pull out my phone, checking the time. It's almost 1:00 in the morning, so I decide it's time to leave.

"Well, I'm going to head home now. See you guys later, bye!" I say.

"Bye, Tabby! Nice meeting you." All the boys except Michael reply. They all head upstairs to go to bed and just as I'm about to open the door, I'm stopped by a hand on my shoulder. I turn around and see Luke facing me, biting his lip.

"Tabby, its late. Why don't you just stay here tonight." He says. I smile at his gesture.

"Thank you, Luke. But I'll be fine, I'm walking next door." I reply.

"Still, stay here. Michael doesn't want to see anything happen to you. None of us do." He adds in. I give in and nod, placing my stuff down and laying down on the couch.

"Goodnight, Luke. Sweet dreams." I say as he's walking up the stairs.

"Goodnight, Tabby. You too." He says, before fully going upstairs and closing his door. I smile and slowly drift off to sleep, dreaming of today and Luke.

Luke's POV

After I went upstairs from convincing Tabby to stay instead of going home, I changed into a pair of sweats and got in bed. I lied there for a few minutes just staring at the ceiling, before drowsiness started to take over. I slowly fell asleep thinking of Tabby. I think that I just might be falling for her. No, who am I kidding, I am falling for her.

Here's chapter three, loves! Wow, two updates in one day, that never happens to me 😂 anyways, I hope you like it. Please make sure to read, vote and comment on this story, it really helps me update. I love you all so, so much. Stay beautiful.

QOTD: If you could do one thing right now, what would you do?
AOTD: Meet 5sos with all of my friends.
~Maddie 💕

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