Chapter Five

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Michael's POV

We were at the club for a good 2 hours, then decided we should go home. I was wasted out of my mind, like always. Calum was just as bad, maybe a little less. Ashton gathered us all up and we got in the car. I was in the front with Ashton driving, while Luke and Calum were in the back.

"Wait," Ashton spoke up. "Where the fuck is Tabby?!?" He asked in utter worry. As soon as I heard him ask that, I immediately became sober.

"What?!? She's not here? She was in the club half an hour ago!" I shouted, making the boys flinch.

"Who was the last person to see her?" I questioned, waiting for a response. Ashton said he hadn't seen her since we showed up, while Calum said he hadn't seen her since we both ran into her the first half hour. I looked back at Luke and waited angrily for a response.

"Luke! Where is she?!" I demanded, making the boys flinch again.

"She walked out after I kissed her," he mumbled loudly enough for us to hear. My nose flared and my fists clenched.

"LUKE! I'M GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU!" I growled, reaching back to try and hit him. Ashton pulled me back, pushing me back into the seat. I took deep inhales of air and let it out angrily.

"I can't believe you, Luke! I can't believe you just let her walk out! She could be in trouble for all we know and it's all your fault! I fucking hate you, you're such a fucking dick!" I scolded him, making him cower down slightly.

"Ashton, we need to find Tabby, now!" I exclaimed, hitting the seat. He nodded and drove off, beginning our search for Tabby.

"I swear, if she's outside by herself right now, I'm going to fucking kill you, Luke." I stated, my anger rising with every second.

We drove around the block, looking for any signs of Tabby. We drove past a tree and I saw a figure sleeping against it. I didn't know if it was Tabby at first, but when I saw the blonde hair and the shoes, I knew it was her.

"Stop the car, now!" I shouted, making Ashton come to a halt. I quickly got out of the car and ran over to her, my feeling of worry rising.

"Tabby? Tabby, wake up!" I said as I shook her awake. She slowly stirred and opened her eyes, and when she saw me, she fell straight into my arms and started crying.

"M-Michael." She exclaimed, hugging me super tight. I hugged back and held her in my lap, rubbing her back.

"Shh, it's okay. You're okay, I'm here." I replied, trying to calm her down.

"Come on, let's go home." I added, picking her up and carrying her to the car, buckling her in the back. I made Luke sit up front and sat in the back with her and Calum the ride home. I held her the whole way, trying to reassure her that everything is okay.

We pulled up to my house fifteen minutes later, and got out. I carried Tabby inside the house and set her down on the couch. The boys and I sat around her, relieved that she's okay.

"Tabby, what happened?" I interrogated her, looking from her to the boys. Well, except Luke. He can go to hell.

"After I ran into you and Calum, I went back to the bar and just sat there. I felt someone tap my shoulder and when I turned around, Luke was there. He asked to dance, so I did. He kept getting closer and closer, then he kissed me. I specifically told him not to because he has a girlfriend. He didn't listen and did it anyway. I ran off and tried walking home, only to get lost. I felt someone following me, so I kept walking and eventually got more lost than I was. I was going to call one of you to come get me, but my phone died so I couldn't. I found that tree and just sat there looking at the sky. I eventually fell asleep and then I woke up to you shaking me. That's exactly what happened." She replied, sighing afterwards.

I glared at Luke and my anger started coming back. "Luke, what the fuck!" I got up and punched the wall, leaving a hole. I didn't injure my hand, just the wall. Ashton and Calum raced over and took me into a different room so I could calm down. Tabby on the other hand, she ran upstairs into my room. Luke mumbled that he was sorry and walked out. I didn't care at that moment.

I calmed down and sat on the couch, my head starting to hurt. I groaned and got up to get a Tylenol. I took it and went upstairs to check on Tabby.

She was sitting on my bed, staring at the wall. I sat next to her and rubbed her back. She looked at me and gave a small smile, then turned her attention back to the wall.

"Everyone hates me, now." She whispered, looking at her lap. I pulled her into my lap again and rubbed her back more.

"Nobody hates you, Tabby. You did nothing wrong." I reassured her, earning a small nod.

"Okay. Thank you, Mikey." She replied, hugging me tightly.

"You're welcome, Ta-" I was cut off by Ashton rushing into the room.

"We need to go to the hospital, now!" He shouted, pushing us up off the bed.

"What, why?!" I asked, slightly panicking.

"Luke got in a car accident! He's pretty injured. We need to leave, NOW." Ashton ordered, with which we ran to the car.

We drove to London Regional Hospital and once Ashton parked, we all hurriedly got out and went inside. We all ran up to the front desk.

"Luke Hemmings, where is he?!?" Calum asked, us all wanting to know.

"He's in Room 52. Just go down the hall and it's the very last room to the right." The petite woman answered. We nodded and went in that one direction, looking out for the number.

"Found it!" Tabby exclaimed, and we all entered. Luke lay there in the bed, motionless. He was asleep, we could tell. He had a cast on one of his arms and one of his legs. We all sat around and waited for him to wake up.

Two hours later, and Luke still hasn't woken up. We're all getting more worried by the second.

"Why hasn't he woken up, yet?!?" Calum asked, obviously nervous and worried.

"I don't know, it could be because of m-" Ashton started answering, then was cut off by the heart monitor starting to flat line. I stood up and started panicking as doctors rushed in.

"We need you all to leave, please." One of the doctors ordered. We all shook our heads.

"No! He's our brother, we need to stay here with him!" I shouted, making the doctors push us out even more. We were left standing out in the hall while the doctors and nurses took care of Luke.

"FUCK!" We all shouted, beginning to panic even more.

Here's chapter Five, lovelies!! I cried while writing this, I'm so sorry. It had to be done, I needed some drama. Please, don't hate me! If you do, I understand. I love you all so, so much. Thank you for always reading, voting, and commenting. It means a LOT, and I appreciate it.

QOTD: Favorite bands/artists?
AOTD: 5sos, 1D, All Time Low, Twenty One Pilots, a little Panic! At The Disco, Blink- 182, Green Day, Fall Out Boy, Little Mix, and Ed Sheeran.

~Maddie 💕

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