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Hey, loves. I know I've been gone and have not updated in a while and I just want to apologize. School has been incredibly stressing and tiring and I just have not had the time, nor the motivation, to update. I have been in a constant state of writer's block for months, hence why I have not updated since February. I promise that as soon as school gets out, I will bust my ass with updating and provide you all with the content you deserve and have been (hopefully) waiting for. I am such a bad author and I'm sorry, please forgive me. In the meantime, is there any suggestions for the new update? Any ideas are appreciated and could potentially lead to me getting freed from writer's block and actually starting the update for you sooner than planned! You do not have to, just a suggestion. I love you all and thank you for sticking around, it means a lot. I will be back very soon, so look out for a new update heading your way.

~ Maddie 💕💕

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