Chapter 4: The New Girl's My Classmate?

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                                                                 ~ 9:25 A.M. ~

                                                           ~ In History Class ~

      Penelope was in Johnny's group, Group A; Straight A's. They two was helping Roy, Mark, Sevoy, Robs and Tory with their group work. The group was doing the topic of the Holocaust. Meanwhile, Group B and F was doing a topic of the Civil War and Slavery.

   Penelope was the best of the best in History so everyone turned to her for answers except Johnny. Johnny acknowledged her knowledge.

   Penelope smiled. "Let's see... in the Holocaust, there was Ann Frank, Elly Gross and a few others." She seemed to remember what happened around that time.

   "What happened around that time, Pen-el-opia?" Roy, the annoying one, played with Penelope's name. Which, she didn't like.

  Penelope sighed at her named being a sudden toy. "Before I answer, does annnnny  of you guys have an idea on what happened?" She extended 'any' like she didn't want to give the answer away.

  "I do.. I think.." Mark thought it out questionably. "...I think it dealt with those poor souls being tortured in a hell heat??" He asked.

   "Hitler being a overruled tyrant?" Sevoy tried.

   Tory guessed, "burned bodies?"

  Robs shrugged.

  Johnny  knew. He just kept silent. Johnny only was silent because he liked how Penelope teaches lessons on her own style in a creative style.

  Penelope slightly regained a smiled. She was about to speak until the teacher spoke.

  It was Mr. Ruffle. Yes, Mr. Ruffle. "Students, stop writing and discussing.. Today we have a new student coming in."

  The class stopped. Penelope could be heard lightly groaning in annoyance. She thought, why so many new comers?

   The new student came in. The were feminine with long blondish brown highlighted hair.  They wore  pink short crop top that showed their belly button, short shorts that were blue, short flat heeled shoes that sparkled, pink lipstick, red notebook earrings with bats in them and a ghoulish ghost ring on the left middle finger. The student spoke in a normal peppy little girl voice. "Hello, Everyone!" The girl smiled. "My name is Victoria Gomez."

  The class said 'hi' except Penelope. Penelope sunk into her chair  after recognizing the last name. She groaned again. Johnny saw. He was confused.

  Victoria, why was she here? Could that be the new neighbor's kid?

   "Nice to meet you, Ms. Gomez. How about you sit at Group A for now? " Mr. Ruffle suggested.

   Victoria walked over to Group A. She then saw the bad boy Johnny, instantly liking him.

   Penelope saw the look. She shot up from her seat that she never did in front of Johnny, or the whole class over five years. "May I be excused? Yes? Okay. Thank you." Penelope stormed out the class. She needed to think this out.

  Johnny was confused as ever. He got up too and followed his Princess. Johnny didn't care about the rules, that's why he's a bad boy.

  Victoria felt useless. She didn't feel right at the moment of the currency.

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