Chapter 3: New Neighbor

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                                                                    ~ 2:20 P.M. ~

                                                    \\ After school,  walking home //

      Penelope was walking home... well, Johnny was walking her home. The two talked about Snorkle, Wallin, Q-stuff, and Nerd Fred. They laughed.

   "Wallin is just like the mini version of the ripoff version of Michael Jordan, I'm sorry." Penelope laughed a lot, she was gripping on Johnny's leather jacket. She felt a lot warmer.

   Johnny smirked. "I can't argue with you there."

   The two turned a corner. Penelope spoke, "and why not? I mean, he's your gang member.. isn't he?" She was confused.

   "Yes. But, all my gang members are full of themselves. Their just about money and girls." Johnny said honestly, serious.

  "And you?" Penelope asked. She seemed to want to know what Johnny's like behind his mysterious mask.

    "I like girls.. but, I don't focus on them. I focus on the world." Johnny said honestly.

     Penelope felt a slight un-heavy  weight on herself. It was like, her dream nearly came true. "Really?" Her eyes gleamed.

    "Yep. I'm not like other guys." Johnny said, stopping in front of Penelope's house.

    "For sure." Penelope stopped next to him. She realized the house next to hers wasn't available anymore. "Huh? Odd, that house has been on sale for a while. No one wanted to take it." Her eyes made a cute puppy blink.

  Johnny shrugged his shoulders. "Things change." He chuckled. "You probably have a new neighbor awaiting you inside your house." Johnny joked... or was he?

   Penelope blinked again. "I doubt that. None of my neighbors entered my house... only if it's holidays, they entered. And that's rare or barely." She was serious.

  "Never know until you go inside." Johnny smirked.

   Penelope nodded. "I guess so." She placed a hand on the door knob. Her memory came back to her as she handed Johnny his jacket back. "Here."

   "You keep it. I got others." Johnny turned around.

  "Okay." Penelope smiled warmly. She slightly opened the door. "I'll see you tomorrow, Joh." Penelope though, Joh? What in the Heaven's is Joh? I probably sounded like a total idiot

   Johnny laughed. "I'm a Joh now? Okay. Cute. I guess youll be a Pen or Penny." He joked around.

     Penelope didn't like the names. She stared at him, slightly saying ever so coldly, "Don't ever call me that." Penelope then walked inside, closing the door behind her.

  Johnny was confused but then just walked home.

       Penelope saw an unfamiliar faces in her living room. She stared at the person. "Mom! Dad!" Penelope was confused and scared.

  Lydia and Barron, Penelope's parents, rushed in. "Yes?" They spoke at once.

  "Who's this???? And why are they here? What's going on?" 

   Lydia started slow. "This is our new neighbors, Sasha and Richard Gomez. They wanted to be friends with us.

   Penelope didn't like the sound of this. "But! I liked the old neighbors! They were so nice and fun! They even had a daughter I actually got along with. And, you know it's rare for me to get along with anyone that's my age, below, or above my natural currency age." She silently yelled.

  "I know, Sweetheart, but sometimes things change. And plus, they are nice. Mr. and Mrs. Gomez are nice. They even have a daughter your age who shares the same interests with you."  Barron said sweetly. He hoped his little girl understood this lightly.

  "Your father's right, Penelope, dear." Lydia backed up her nearly elderly but look so young husband.

   "No!  I want Tracey back. She was the only one who truly liked me, who I felt so safe around, who I can be myself and stay myself, I want her and only her." Penelope argued with her Parents lightly but harshed in truth.

  "Penelope... please, calm down. We understand.. but, Tracey isn't coming back. She's starting a new life in Florida."  Lydia said with sadness.

   "Without me? She just left like that.... with all my secrets wondering about with her? I think not. I insist we move to where she is, Mom, Dad!" Penelope nearly started to tear.

  Lydia and Barron sighed, shaking their heads. "I'm sorry, no." They said.

  "I thought you wanted me happy.. I guess not. Well, thanks a lot for cheering me up with bad news. I'll just go to my room cry about the insults I had during school and the bad news I've just gotten that was sooooo supposedly to be good." Penelope extended 'so' with an sarcastic way with ' supposedly'. She then stormed off to her room.

   Lydia and Barron exchanged glances. They then looked at Mr. and Mrs. Martinez who sat on their couch sadly, hurt, confused, and felt useless in this situation. Lydia and Barron softly smiled at the couple awkwardly and tried to clarify things with them.

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