Seven Minutes (or more ;D) in Heaven Oneshots

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                             I am!!!! Making a new plethora (I think that's how you spell it, I've always wanted to use in in a conversation lolz) of oneshots. I should be working on my story, Mine...Forever, but I'm getting severly lazy. This is just to amuse myself, and hopefully, all of you who are now reading this. I'll start posting actual segments to this Tuesday next week, I hope. You, since this is written in first person, are going to a party at your best friend's house. Her name is Alex. Yours is Alec. You consider each other as sisters. You get pulled into playing Seven Minutes (or more) in Heaven. Beware, sexy emo boys lurk every where!!!! Tempting you into delicious, wicked sins. Don't worry, you are in experianced hands... MWUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

Warning! The contents of this piece of writing will be very explicit, graphic and very dirty. You hath been warned!

You: natural straight black hair, pale skin that's always cold, gold flecked-dark brown eyes, 5'6", reeeally skinny but large breasted and wide hipped, snakebites, left nostril pierced, five piercings in your right ear, love Black Veil Brides and Avenged Sevenfold plus many other bands.

Alex: natural white blonde hair with black and red streaks, pale skin but blushes easily, pale, almost white gray eyes, 5'6" and same build as yours, right eyebrow pierced, small gauges in both ears, loves same bands as you.

Damen (Alex's steady boyfriend): dark brown hair, golden skin with tiny freckles across bridge of his nose, hazel eyes that are always smiling, 6'0", broad shoulders, sixpack, three bullet wound tattoos on his chest and stomach, single lip ring, more of a hip hop/pop/rap kinda guy.

Please help me out to cast these three, and the rest of the guys as the story continues. Comment, vote, fan! BTWZ the cast doesn't have to be spot on, but must be similar!


Seven Minutes (or more ;D) in Heaven OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now