"Woah, woah, woah, the heck are you doing?" Haruhi turned away from the half naked Mayumi, blushing.

"Changing?" As if not understanding what Haruhi meant, Mayumi answered nonchalantly.

"I didn't mean that! I meant, why are you undressing in front of me?" Haruhi questioned flustered causing Mayumi to giggle when she slowly realized what Haruhi meant.

"You embarrassed? As if you're not used to seeing me naked."

"It's different now! We–we're dating and all and so uh.... It's different!" Came Haruhi's stuttering, this incited Mayumi to tease.

"In short, you're getting turned on."

"Wha–" If this was a cartoon, Haruhi's jaw would have reached the floor in amazement, but since it's not, her mouth is just open–in amazement.

"Admit it~" Mayumi said in a sing song voice causing Haruhi to blush harder. She grind her teeth and shouted in a hurry, "Just get dressed! Idiot!"

Mayumi just giggled. As if sensing Mayumi's presence behind her, Haruhi turned back and was surprised by seeing an up close Mayumi exactly right behind her.

Mayumi leaned in and closed the gap between them. Their lips touched, but only a short while, just a slight sweet kiss before she went back to changing–or in this case, finally wear some clothes. This action left Haruhi dumbfounded and so she didn't notice that she was staring at Mayumi the whole time she changed.

Haruhi realized one thing since the day they started dating, Mayumi have been more open to her and more aggressive in terms of physical affection, like what happened in so many of their study session the last week.

When Mayumi gets too tired to study, she asked Haruhi to kiss her every time she starts losing consciousness. And every time she gets a right answer, they do the French kiss, many a times Mayumi being the lead. Remembering it makes Haruhi as red as a tomato, or redder than a tomato if that's even possible.

Mayumi finished changing, took bread to eat on her way to the station as breakfast and asked her parents for permission before finally arriving at the station.

"Exactly 7," Haruhi muttered by the time they arrived.

"Yep, now let's go," Said by a voice behind them. Haruhi and Mayumi looked behind and saw that it was Asuka and Youko. The voice was of Asuka.

Youko flapped four tiny papers in front of them while grinning, supposing the papers were the tickets, Haruhi found herself right since Youko handed it to them and told them that they should enter the station now.


"That was great!" Youko exclaimed after a refreshing ride on the super coaster.

"All we've been riding are roller coasters, I'm kinda getting dizzy..." Muttered Haruhi. What she said is indeed true, What they rode first is a kiddy coaster, then the water coaster, then the snake coaster, and now the super coaster–don't ask why they even rode the kiddy coaster.

"I agree, how bout we try something else that's not moving as fast?" Suggested Asuka, now holding her right temple, most definitely insinuating her dizziness.

"Uh.... The mirror room?" Youko asked unsure.

"How bout the haunted house!" A beaming Mayumi suggested–more like decided that that's really where she'll go next.

"Good idea," agreed Asuka.

Haruhi and Youko glanced at each other, their faces contorted in horror.

"I'd rather not," both said so at the same time. This made Mayumi and Asuka glance at each other too.

"Don't tell me that you guys are scared?" Grinning, Asuka asked inciting Youko getting excited and riled up about it.

"Me? Scared? Hah! Don't kid around, let's go to the haunted house then to see who's scared!" Youko walked ahead of the group with Asuka following her while also giggling.

Mayumi noticed that Haruhi still won't move so she smirked and took this opportunity to also try to incite an emotion.

"So, you scared?"


"Wow, Haruhi was actually scared of something! That's surprising! What more is that you're scared of ghosts?"

This pissed Haruhi off and took the challenge, "Ugh! You piss me off! Yeah right would I be scared of something nonexistent! I'll prove to you that I'm not scared!" And went on ahead of Mayumi, just like what Youko did earlier.

Now the four of them stood in front of the dreaded place. The haunted house, a popular attraction for amusement parks.

"This is gonna be awesome," gleamed Mayumi.

"How stupid," Haruhi interposed.

"I know right?" Youko agreed.

"You're just scared. But honestly? this is gonna be boring," Asuka commented.

And so, all four of them entered the house.

Minutes have passed, and they still haven't gone out the haunted place.

"Did something move?!" Shouted Youko, scared as she clung at Asuka. As if her life depended on it.

"Nothing did, now stop being so riled up," said Asuka, obviously bored.

"But–there! something moved!" Youko squeezed Asuka's arm more tightly.

"Ow ow that hurts!" Asuka shouted in pain.

In a different room, a dead silent hall with slightly horrifying music that you hear in horror games or horror movie, Mayumi and Haruhi was found doing their absolute best to walk.


"Yes Mayumi?"

"....." Mayumi paused, the continued, "Can we get out of here now?"

"I wish too.... But how?" Questioned Haruhi.

In the middle of somewhere inside the haunted house, Haruhi and Mayumi clung to each other for their dear lives.

"!! Did you hear that?!" Mayumi looked behind her.

"N-no... What... What is it?" Haruhi also began to look behind her.

And there they saw. In the dark, a white figure slowly being formed in their sights.
They screamed and ran for their dear lives after seeing the white figure, even passing ahead of Youko and Asuka.


The day ended after they finally rode the best finale, the Ferris wheel and headed back to the station. They said their goodbyes to each other and went home.

"Such a good day," Mayumi said while stretching, Haruhi nodded her head in agreement.

"Hey, I've got cake in the fridge, you want some?" Asked Haruhi.

Mayumi glanced at her then continued walking. "Is your mom home?"

"Eh? Uh–no. She'll be back in the morning," came Haruhi's slightly confused reply.

"Alright then! It's sleepover time," Mayumi smiled and went inside her house, Haruhi not noticing that they have reached in their neighborhood was left dumbfounded.

"Eh?" Was what she was able to mutter, while already having wild imagination about what Mayumi was trying to insinuate.

A.N: I know that I'm such a bad author, I'm sorry.
If you didn't understand why I'm sorry, I meant was that, I'm such a bad author because It's been a while since I've updated. Welp, We all know that school is hell. Hope I made it up to you guys with this inadequate writing of mine, hoping that it would suffice.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2016 ⏰

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