chapter fifteen

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sitting with her here seeing her in these condition made me guilty and felt the need to apologise for my abrupt behaviour.

"farida , am so sorry" i said out of the blue.

she looked at me confused , wondering what I apologised for.

"farida I didn't know what came over me I was so blinded by Abids love that I couldn't see pass my jealousy".

"I was so furious seeing Abid spent more time with you,I shouldn't have, you are his wife too, and that's your right".

It was so childish of me.

tears began to run down my cheeks.

"you see not only Abid, we all , I needed to be there for you".

"It's ok" said farida as she wiped off my tears.

"I could totally understand what you must be feeling like,I would also if I was in your shoes..."said farida pausing for a while.

I smiled

"you see all Abid does is talk about you, even when his here with me ,helping me recover" she continued.

"I love Abid, alot" said farida, "and that makes me loves what he wants ,you see true loves come from making the person you love happy, even if it's not with you".

"Abid loves you and am happy seeing him happy, am cool with that" she said.

"You see you are right when you said am Abid's wife, but just by name" she said this time with a glint of sadness in her voice .

"what Abid has for me is nothing but compassion, you know he's still with me so najwa will grow up with a lovely memories of her family" said farida gently

I really felt very important knowing how important I am to Abid and how supportive farida is ..
But her condition was pitiful.

I hugged her and we both continue talking about something else.

"You know earlier this morning najwa called me mum" I said looking right into farida's eyes to check her reaction.

I know I change the topic but I had to get this off my chest

farida seems very cool , her reaction was neutral. honestly I didn't know what to expect from her.

"She did ", asked farida.

" yes " I nodded.

"I asked her too, I told her that you are her mum, and you will be once am gone" . my eyes got watery, she held my hands and continued talking.

"promise me you will hold and raised my najwa as yours when am gone, I know I won't be here for a while and I see no one right but you".

It was a very emotional topic to me,

"what now, you will be there for her" I said in a shaking voice, i was crying .

"just promise "me said farida .
I felt helpless "I promise".

she hugged me and said ''being greatful will be understatement''.

I was about to leave when farida started coughing blood I was really scared so I called Abid and then dialled 911.

Abid came immediately with a doctor to check her.

"No Abid" I cryied out.

He looked at me confuse.

"Abid we need to take her to the hospital ".

"she hates hospital, and she's getting the right treatment here, and she has 24 hour nurse, to nurse her" he explains.

"No Abid , what she needs is an intensive care, she needs to be under the supervision of a doctor. We shouldn't listen to her , perhaps not any more".

"what if she has an attack in the middle of the night and we all are asleep and can't help her". I argued.

"you are right" said Abid.

whoa ! that was easier than I thought.

immediately the ambulance came they took her and we all followed. she was admitted in the hospital.

we came back home after 7pm as insisted by ammi who stayed back with her.

we heard  giggles coming from the dining area.

Abid and I join, and asked the help to serve us some meal also .
Been at the hospital all day was exhausting.
My eyes widen seeing him on the table .
I sat in shock seeing Abbas here.

what's he doing here in kwajur ( AN; this city doesn't exist.)

Abid hugged him and began to catch up , they really seem like old friend.

Ruba was acting weird , she was shy once we arrived.

"what brings you to kwajur " asked Abid.

"I came for my friends wedding and I decided to stay a while and see my cherry pie"said Abbas as he looks at Ruba, whom was melting under his gaze.
Ruba and Abbas ?, that makes zero sense.

"His going to stay for a while... "said Ruba.
"all the hotel in town had been booked" said Abbas cutting Ruba off.

"sorry I almost forget Abbas, meet my wife Badia" said Abid touching my shoulders.

"nice to meet you again"  Abbas  said to me winking his eyes swiftly.

I gave him my practical smile

"you know each other"  asked both Abid and Ruba in harmony.

"yes i met her at my friends wedding, it turns out my friend got married to her sister, what a small world" said Abbass.

I nodded in agreement.

"So where are you two coming from " asked Ruba,less interested in how we met.

"farida was admitted to the hospital" explained Abid.

"Holly shit" said Ruba, as she grabbed her car keys and stood up.

"Where are you going to "I asked.
"To the hospital "replied Ruba.

she whispered something to Abbas and then left.

I was so Annoyed especially seeing him

today I have to say,  was on edge first it was amazing, then interesting, it turned dramatic and now this I thought. and frown my brows at Abbas giving him a Death glare.

Abid stood to get desert from the kitchen .

leaving I and Abbas all alone.

suddenly Abbas moved towards me and adjusted my loose hijjab.

"you look as beautiful as ever " said Abbas as he caress my cheek.

I frown at him "get your hands off me" I half yell

"you realise am married " I almost shout.

Abbas hasn't change.

He's still that same jerk.

He returned to his chair getting back to his exact position at the sight of Abid changing the topic.

I frowned at the fraudulent and then excused myself .

Voted! , votes!.
With lurv,
Carltumee 💋

Mending a broken heart.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz