"You know what's weird?" Namjoon asked, making you turn your head.


"Well, yeah, you too-"

You laughed. "I know."

"But what's weird is the fact that Jin hyung and Yoongi hyung are in the water and not laying here with us."

"I might be a horrible friend, but I just noticed Yoongi's here."

Namjoon started laughing. "I just saw him going into the water a minute ago, so don't worry."

"Well, I hope he got the rest he needed."

He settled down, drinking some more of his beer. You noticed he was sweating a lot, the small sweat stains on his shirt and trickles on his face made it obvious.

"Hey, maybe you should hop into the water for a little, join the others. You're sweating like crazy!"

"So are you!"

"Yeah, but I'm okay. I don't have sweat stains. At least take your shirt off or something."



"You want me to take my shirt off?" He said in a seductive way.

"What the hell Namjoon!"

"I'm playing I'm playing!"

"I know, but still. You're gonna die of heatstroke."

"Fine, I'll go in the water, mother."

You rolled your eyes.

"As long as you come in too!"

"I will in a little while."

"When you say 'a little while' you better mean today."

"I do I do!"

He chuckled and spoke as he took his shirt off. "Alright, I'm going in."

"Have fun!"

You watched him run to where the guys were and cannon ball onto Taehyung. They all laughed and hit each other and splashed around, your heart fluttering at the sight of their friendship. You sighed in relief, glad to see them all having fun. Their genuine smiles just made you feel so warm and happy. They deserved this trip more than anything in the world, and you're glad they got it. After countless conversations with Sejin, you finally agreed. Before, you had originally asked for 1 week off, but he said they had to work, so you compromised and decided to enjoy 4 full days in Hawaii. The boys don't know it, but you didn't want to come on the trip. You felt that you didn't have to be there and you'd be a burden, but you're glad Namjoon bought you a ticket because if he didn't, you would've missed seeing their glowing attitudes and shining smiles.

You turned up the volume on your phone as the boys song, "Am I Wrong," came on. You tried so hard not to body roll in your lounge chair as the music blasted in your ears. You looked down at your phone, your cap covering your sight of the pool. You felt a tap on your leg, and looked up to see a beautiful young lady with gorgeous brown hair holding an adorable, chubby baby girl. The lady was wearing a light blue shirt with the hotel's logo on it, so you assumed that she worked there. She looked familiar to you.

"Excuse me."

You took out your headphones. "Yes?"

"It's kinda awkward to ask, but do you remember me? We went to the same high school."

You tried your very hardest to remember, and soon enough, her name came to your head. "Leah!"

"Yeah. Hi Y/N!"

"Oh my goodness it's been so long! How are you? I see you're a mom now."

"Yeah. After high school I came here to study management and I guess I'm working my way up the management ladder. But yeah in college I met my husband and we got married and this is my baby Tory."

"Oh that's awesome! Love at first sight!"

"It was, it was." She laughed. "So anyways, I work here, but I just finished for the day, and my husband came from our room and dropped off little Tory here. He had an emergency at work. Unfortunately I was called in as well, just for a small problem that will only take a few minutes. Would you mind watching Tory for me?"

"Of course, she's so cute!"

"Please keep an eye on her."

"Sure sure!"

Leah passed you baby Tory gently, you kissed her forehead and tried to keep her calm.

"Let's catch up later!"

"For sure, definitely!" She put her hand out as she ran into the hotel.

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