"You need to start taking it easy. Don't be too hard on yourself. Everyone should take a break every once in awhile. That includes you too."

Dragon agreed and ate the tasty soup that Nami made him. She had also prepared a basin with a rag and cool water. He was just relieved that she knew what she was doing unlike his scatterbrained son who thought that the solution for everything was meat.

She sat on the chair at his bedside.

"Do you like the soup?"

"It's delicious," he said slurping on his spoon. "Everything's okay at home with Luffy?"

"Things are fine with us. When it gets challenging, we pull through together and reap the awards."

"Luffy could be a handful but he's a hard worker with a big heart."

"You miss him a lot, huh?"

"Not really... well he is my son," Dragon muttered under his breath.

Nami smiled at him,"Sorry that I took him away from you, but you don't have to worry one bit," She pounded her fist into her palm," I'll take care of him."

Dragon laughed. He hadn't laughed this good in a while; ever since his son left home.

"Is that son of mine treating you well?"

His daughter-in-law gave him a closed-eyed grin. "Yes. He is. In fact, just the other day he made me some coffee in bed. It was questionable at first but he said that he asked Sanji-kun to help him learn how to make it after noticing that I never finish my morning coffee since I'm not the best at it. I just make it for the caffeine. So you could imagine how surprised I was when he brought me a fresh brew."

"Luffy did that?" Dragon was impressed. He did not know that Luffy was that observant. "How was it? Did you die?"

Nami snorted. "You really don't have an ounce of faith in your son's culinary skills, do you?

"One time he cooked me a meal when he was much younger. It was horrible and I had to take a trip to the hospital."

"No way. Really?"

"It's true." They both shared a laugh.

"Well I was skeptical at first but when I tried it, it was actually really good. Luffy's very thoughtful. He was so happy that I liked it and said that he was willing to make it again as often as I needed. He worked really hard on getting it just right and I appreciated it so much that I couldn't say no."

She smiled to herself as she thought back to that time then her mind flashed on the intense makeout session they had afterwards. She felt her body heating up and fanned herself with her hand. 'Oh great.' It was such an "appropriate" thing to think about now.

"Luffy's really growing up," Dragon said.

"Maybe he should try making you some food one day. I can assure you that he has gotten a lot better."

"... I'll think about it."

"We usually cook our meals together but I asked Sanji-kun to email me the recipes for Luffy's favourite dishes. I want to surprise him. It will take a while cause it would be a lot to cook but I'm sure that I can handle it. It would be a piece of cake. I can't wait to see the look on his face."

Dragon beamed at his daughter-in-law. The power of youth can never be conquered.

"He'll like that," said he and Nami grinned because she was sure of that too.

"I got something I want to show you," Dragon said reaching for his notebook on the side table and handed Nami a picture.

"What is it?" She flipped it around and her eyes widened and blush spread on her cheeks. "Is this..."

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