Chapter 4 - A Familiar Portrait

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Alexia woke the next morning, got ready quickly, then went and waited in the Common Room for Blaise like they always did on a Thursday so the two could walk to the Great Hall for breakfast together. She sat on one of the seats waiting and when Blaise finally arrived all she got was a weak smile and a quick "Good morning".

"Blaise, are we really going to let some stupid thing Draco said get between us?" She wondered quietly.

Blaise sighed, "Sorry Al, he's just been getting to me a lot lately. I know you've tried getting him to lay off me and it's not your fault. He's just a pain in the butt sometimes and I should know better then to let him get to me," Blaise said then kissed Alexia on the cheek before they started walking up to the breakfast.

"Hey, Draco did say something weird last night once you had gone to bed," Alexia mentioned, remembering what Draco had told her, "He said you had something to tell me."

Blaise gulped, "Oh... Really?"


"Um, there's nothing I can think of that I need to tell you," Blaise lied.

"Oh, well okay." Alexia replied believing him.

"Actually," Blaise began, "There's a Hogsmeade visit this week, do you want to go to Madam Pudifoot's Tea Shop together?"

Alexia smiled up at him, "I'd love to Blaise!" She responded happily. Although Alexia had gone to the tea shop before, surprisingly her and Blaise never had and secretly she had always wanted to go with him.

"Great!" He said glad that they had moved topics.

The two continued to the Great Hall and sat down at the Slytherin table, just starting their breakfast, when a ruckus suddenly filled the hall, and hundreds of owls holding letters in their beaks and tied to their legs, soared into the hall. Envelopes fell from the ceiling, like a shower of rain. A letter fell on Alexia's plate, narrowly missing her goblet of orange juice. She was just about to open it when a small package landed with a thud on the same plate, as well as several other letters. She continued opening the letter and discovered it was a request for an interview at Hogsmeade on the weekend, and most of the other letters were along the same line. But the last letter was to do with the package. Alexia was used to getting packages in the Owl post as staying at Hogwarts for most of the year meant close to no shopping trips, so a lot of clothes and other things were sent to her by her mother instead. The letter was the usual check up on how things were going and update on what Laurel had been doing lately, which included the fact she had regained her position as an editor at Spella Weekly.

After reading the letter, Alexia moved to the parcel and began opening it. She unwrapped the paper and found the new leather purse she had asked her mother for, except it was the wrong colour.

"I asked for black, not this!" Alexia gasped looking horrified at the deep blue purse, "This won't go with anything!"

"Looks like someone still isn't on their mummy's good side," Draco said from a few seats away.

"Malfoy, no one asked for you to speak!" Alexia snapped, "And you still owe me a new headband!"
"Yeah, yeah."

Alexia complained about her purse all morning, telling Pansy and Daphne how she was planning to use it in Hogsmeade but now she couldn't as it didn't match her chosen outfit. The two, who pretended to be disgusted, secretly didn't think there was anything wrong with the colour. Infact, they would have been happy just to own the purse, whatever it's colour was. Alexia decided that she would write back to her mother and ask if she could switch the purse with a new black one, even if it was a different style, which is what she did over lunch in the Great Hall.

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