Chapter 3 - Umbridge's Request

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The first week back dragged on slowly and the fifth-years already had mountains of homework. September soon became October and the days seem to become windier, rainier and drearier than ever. Draco sat in Charms on a Wednesday afternoon, towards the end of October, staring dully out the window at the tar-black sky, considering ways of how to use his Prefect status to his advantage. There was a soft tapping on the window, which then became a pitter-patter. He watched students running for cover near the edge of the Forbidden Forest where Hagrid taught his terrible lessons (he still hadn't forgotten the lesson two years ago where he had been attacked by an ugly beast). Just as the beads of water falling from the sky became even heavier, there was a loud knock at the door of the classroom. It swung open and a short woman, over-dressed in pink came into view. It was Professor Umbridge.

"Hem-hem ..."

Professor Flitwick turned from the blackboard he was writing on, "Good afternoon Professor Umbridge," Flitwick addressed her sounding slightly bothered.

"Good afternoon," She replied in her high-pitched, girlish voice.

"What can I do for you?" Flitwick squeaked.

"I'm wondering whether I may have a word with Mr Malfoy and Miss Burke? It shouldn't take too long."

Draco sat up a little higher at the sound of his name and Alexia's.

"Um, yes ... sure," Flitwick stuttered.


Draco followed Alexia's lead and stood from his seat, following her out the door to where Umbridge now stood.

"Excuse me Professor?" Alexia said in her overly politer, foolishly sweet voice, "Have we done something wrong?"

Professor Umbridge flashed her wide toad-like smile, "Well of course not!" She exclaimed in a sugary-voice, "Just follow me!" She motioned them towards her with her stubby, ring-adorned fingers, then set off, bobbing up and down as she walked.

Draco exchanged a confused look with Alexia, but didn't dare to speak seeing as Alexia had taken to ignoring him after his remarks about Blaise.

They ended up in Umbridge's office, which was unsurprisingly covered in everything pink. There were pink seat covers, pink-feathered quills, doilies, bottles of perfumes and a shelf filled with china-plates each with a different cat painted on them that meowed and moved around constantly.

"Do sit," Umbridge said as she took a seat behind her desk which was topped with pink cushions.

Draco and Alexia abided and each took a seat on the pink chairs on the other side of her desk.

"I take you are wondering why I have brought you here?"

Draco and Alexia nodded.

"Well, I believe your families have a-" she paused, deciding on the right word, "-grudge ... on the Headmaster here at Hogwarts."

The two stayed quiet.

"Yes, well Cornelius Fudge and myself believe that Albus Dumbledore is trying to overthrow the Ministry and gain the position of Minister for Magic." Umbridge told them, "I find that things here at Hogwarts are far worse than I thought."

"What do you mean, Professor?" Alexia asked, leaning forward in exaggerated interest.

"Dumbledore has been spreading lies that you-know-who has returned." Umbridge answered in a disgraced voice, "And seeing as I trust and respect your families, I want to ask for your help."

"What with Professor?" Draco asked.

"In a weeks time I am meeting with Cornelius Fudge and informing him on what has been going on at Hogwarts and about these statements Dumbledore has been making. I would like you two to write a short paragraph each so there is proof for the public." Umbridge said sweetly yet deceitfully.

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